Operando IR spectroscopy allows the detection
of the formation of oxygenated byproducts during the reduction of
Cr(VI)/SiO2 by ethylene. These byproducts are responsible
for a structural rearrangement of the reduced chromium sites, which
precedes ethylene polymerization. (a) Operando IR
spectra collected during reaction of ethylene with Cr(VI)/SiO2 at 150 °C. Color code: black, spectrum collected prior
ethylene dosage; gray, spectra collected in the presence of ethylene
as a function of time; and green, spectra collected after 30 min.
(b–d) Final spectra after subtraction of those collected prior
to ethylene dosing, magnified in (b and d) two spectral regions characteristic
of the oxygenated byproducts and (c) in the region containing the
first overtone of the ν(Cr=O) vibrational mode. Spectra
reproduced with permission from ref (130). Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society.