Fig. 1.
CXCR7 correlates with the gene signature of the Hippo pathway in gastric cancer. A TCGA data analysis showed that the CXCR7 expression level correlated with poor survival in gastric cancer patients. B GSEA of TCGA data showed a significant positive correlation between CXCR7 and the YAP target gene signature ( C TCGA database analysis showed a significant positive correlation between the expression levels of CXCR7 and Hippo pathway target genes in gastric cancer samples. D RNA-seq data analysis indicated the top 10 KEGG pathways enriched by CXCR7 depletion in MGC803 cells. Threshold P < 0.05. E GSEA showed that CXCR7 depletion in MGC803 cells decreased the expression of the YAP target gene signature. F Volcano plot showing that CXCR7 depletion inhibits the expression of Hippo pathway signature genes (red) in MCG803 cells. Threshold criteria: P < 0.05 and fold change > 1.5. G Heatmap of YAP target genes in RNA-seq data from MGC803 cell lines treated with siControl or siCXCR7. H Immunohistochemical analysis of gastric cancer samples showed a positive correlation between CXCR7 and YAP (P < 0.001). I The correlation analysis revealed that CXCR7 expression correlated with lymph node metastasis and advanced tumour stage (P = 0.0434 and P = 0.0109, respectively)