Table 1.
Search strategy used for OVID Medline database
Line # | Search terms |
1 | (old* OR senior* OR elder* OR geriatric*).ti,ab |
2 | aged/ |
3 | 1 OR 2 |
4 | (lonel* OR social-isolation OR social-support OR social-deprivation).ti,ab |
5 | social-isolation/ OR loneliness/ |
6 | 4 OR 5 |
7 | (communi* OR neighbo?r* OR cultur* OR polic* OR built environment* OR soci?-ecolog* OR environment* OR societ* OR ecologic?-model).ti,ab |
8 | *social-environment/ OR health-policy/ OR *residence-characteristics/ |
9 | 7 OR 8 |
10 | 3 AND 6 AND 9 |
Wildcards (*, ?) used for truncation and alternate spellings. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms denoted by ‘/’. Boolean operators used as denoted in search term lines