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. 2014 Mar 3;2014(3):CD010813. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010813.pub2
Study Reason for exclusion
Amundsen 2000 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Austin 2009 Other hormonal contraceptives, such as transdermal patch, vaginal ring, were included
Barsoum 2010 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
BCDSP 1973 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Bergendal 2012 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Bernstein 1986 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Bonifacj 1997 Included recurrent venous thrombosis
Bottiger 1980 No data on ethinylestradiol dose
Burnhill 1999 Included progestagen‐only contraceptives and retinal vein thrombosis
Diddle 1978 Less than 10 venous thrombosis cases
Dinger 2007 Included recurrent venous thrombosis
Dinger 2010 Included recurrent venous thrombosis
Eng 2008 Compared drospirenone versus other oral contraceptive users
Farmer 1997 Ecologic study
Fuertes 1971 Unclear reference group
Gerstman 1991 Incomplete data on contraceptive use
Girolami 2004 Included not only venous thrombosis
Grodstein 1996 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Grounds 1974 Included not only venous thrombosis
Hall 2012 No data on venous thrombosis
Hedenmalm 2005 Included recurrent venous thrombosis and cerebral vein thrombosis
Heinemann 2000 Report on Transnational study, already included (Lewis 1996, Lewis 1999)
Helmrich 1987 Incomplete data on contraceptive use
Herings 1999a Data already included: Herings 1999
Heuser 2004 No extractable number of exposed and non‐exposed women
Hirvonen 1990 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Huerta 2007 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Inman 1968 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Inman 1970 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
IPPF 1976 Communication to the editor
Kieler 2003 Included recurrent venous thrombosis
Lambrekht 1986 No data on venous thrombosis
Lawrenson 2000 Review
Legnani 2002 Included recurrent venous thrombosis
Lewis 1997 Report on Transnational study, already included (Lewis 1996)
Lewis 1999b Report on Transnational study, already included: Lewis 1996, Lewis 1999)
Lewis 1999c Commentary
Lidegaard 1998a Updated study see Lidegaard 2002
Lidegaard 1998b Review
Lidegaard 2001 Review
Lidegaard 2009 Updated study of this 2009 study (Lidegaard 2011) is included
Lindqvist 2009 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Lis 1993 Publication of study protocol
Ludwig 1970 Unclear what is defined as high progestagen
Martinelli 2003 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Meade 1980 Included not only venous thrombosis
Meinel 1988 Included not only venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Meurer 2001 Review
Nightingale 2000 2000 443
Duplicate report on GPRD (Farmer 2000) and Mediplus Databases (Todd 1999)
Overgaard 1986 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Pearce 2005 No comparison was included
Petitti 1979 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Pini 1996 Included not only venous thrombosis and included recurrent venous thrombosis
Porter 1982 Less than 10 venous thrombosis events
Porter 1985 Less than 10 venous thrombosis events
Poulter 1996 Data already included (WHO 1995)
Primignani 2005 Included not only venous thrombosis
Quinn 1992 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
RCPG 1978 Included not only venous thrombosis
Realini 1997 Less than 10 venous thrombosis events
Reed 2012 Compared with other contraceptives
Roach 2013 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Seaman 2004 Included recurrent venous thrombosis
Seeger 2007 Included recurrent venous thrombosis
Seigel 1969 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Sidney 2004 Incomplete data on contraceptive use
Spitzer 1993 Publication of study protocol
Stolley 1975 Included not only venous thrombosis
Suissa 1997 Duration of contraceptive use on Transnational study, already included (Lewis 1996, Lewis 1999)
Thorogood 1992 Included recurrent venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Tosetto 2003 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Tsankova 2010a Compared ever users versus never users
Tsankova 2010b No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Ulmer 1997 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Vallee 2001 Review
Van der Meer 1997 Review
Vessey 1969 Included recurrent venous thrombosis
Vessey 1986 Incomplete data on contraceptive use
WHO 1989 No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Worralurt 2005 Included recurrent venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose
Yang 2007 Exposed consisted of hormone replacement therapy users and oral contraceptive users