Study | Reason for exclusion |
Amundsen 2000 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Austin 2009 | Other hormonal contraceptives, such as transdermal patch, vaginal ring, were included |
Barsoum 2010 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
BCDSP 1973 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Bergendal 2012 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Bernstein 1986 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Bonifacj 1997 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Bottiger 1980 | No data on ethinylestradiol dose |
Burnhill 1999 | Included progestagen‐only contraceptives and retinal vein thrombosis |
Diddle 1978 | Less than 10 venous thrombosis cases |
Dinger 2007 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Dinger 2010 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Eng 2008 | Compared drospirenone versus other oral contraceptive users |
Farmer 1997 | Ecologic study |
Fuertes 1971 | Unclear reference group |
Gerstman 1991 | Incomplete data on contraceptive use |
Girolami 2004 | Included not only venous thrombosis |
Grodstein 1996 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Grounds 1974 | Included not only venous thrombosis |
Hall 2012 | No data on venous thrombosis |
Hedenmalm 2005 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis and cerebral vein thrombosis |
Heinemann 2000 | Report on Transnational study, already included (Lewis 1996, Lewis 1999) |
Helmrich 1987 | Incomplete data on contraceptive use |
Herings 1999a | Data already included: Herings 1999 |
Heuser 2004 | No extractable number of exposed and non‐exposed women |
Hirvonen 1990 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Huerta 2007 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Inman 1968 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Inman 1970 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
IPPF 1976 | Communication to the editor |
Kieler 2003 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Lambrekht 1986 | No data on venous thrombosis |
Lawrenson 2000 | Review |
Legnani 2002 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Lewis 1997 | Report on Transnational study, already included (Lewis 1996) |
Lewis 1999b | Report on Transnational study, already included: Lewis 1996, Lewis 1999) |
Lewis 1999c | Commentary |
Lidegaard 1998a | Updated study see Lidegaard 2002 |
Lidegaard 1998b | Review |
Lidegaard 2001 | Review |
Lidegaard 2009 | Updated study of this 2009 study (Lidegaard 2011) is included |
Lindqvist 2009 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Lis 1993 | Publication of study protocol |
Ludwig 1970 | Unclear what is defined as high progestagen |
Martinelli 2003 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Meade 1980 | Included not only venous thrombosis |
Meinel 1988 | Included not only venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Meurer 2001 | Review |
Nightingale 2000 | 2000 443 Duplicate report on GPRD (Farmer 2000) and Mediplus Databases (Todd 1999) |
Overgaard 1986 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Pearce 2005 | No comparison was included |
Petitti 1979 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Pini 1996 | Included not only venous thrombosis and included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Porter 1982 | Less than 10 venous thrombosis events |
Porter 1985 | Less than 10 venous thrombosis events |
Poulter 1996 | Data already included (WHO 1995) |
Primignani 2005 | Included not only venous thrombosis |
Quinn 1992 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
RCPG 1978 | Included not only venous thrombosis |
Realini 1997 | Less than 10 venous thrombosis events |
Reed 2012 | Compared with other contraceptives |
Roach 2013 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Seaman 2004 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Seeger 2007 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Seigel 1969 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Sidney 2004 | Incomplete data on contraceptive use |
Spitzer 1993 | Publication of study protocol |
Stolley 1975 | Included not only venous thrombosis |
Suissa 1997 | Duration of contraceptive use on Transnational study, already included (Lewis 1996, Lewis 1999) |
Thorogood 1992 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Tosetto 2003 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Tsankova 2010a | Compared ever users versus never users |
Tsankova 2010b | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Ulmer 1997 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Vallee 2001 | Review |
Van der Meer 1997 | Review |
Vessey 1969 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis |
Vessey 1986 | Incomplete data on contraceptive use |
WHO 1989 | No data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Worralurt 2005 | Included recurrent venous thrombosis and no data on progestagen type or ethinylestradiol dose |
Yang 2007 | Exposed consisted of hormone replacement therapy users and oral contraceptive users |