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. 2023 Nov 1;32(4):181–193. doi: 10.1891/JPE-2022-0027

TABLE 2. Assessment for Need of Doula Care Presented as Number (Percentage) of Respondents.

Response variable N (%) p for age p for income p for parity
Number of births <.0001 .4231 N/A
 1–2 previous births 341 (67.1)
 3–4 previous births 129 (25.4)
 5+ previous births 26 (5.1)
 Never given birth, currently pregnant 8 (1.6)
 Never given birth 4 (.8)
Family or friend at birth .0037 .3681 .0081
 Yes, at all of my births 461 (90.7)
 Yes, at some of my births 18 (3.5)
 No, not with me when I gave birth 17 (3.3)
 N/A, missing 12 (2.4)
Types of previous birthsa
 Vaginal 358 (70.5) .1441 .4884 <.0001
 Scheduled cesarean 58 (11.4) .0008 .0534 .5543
 Unscheduled cesarean 140 (27.8) .2483 .5325 .0761
 Vaginal after cesarean 41 (8.1) .0161 .1681 .0019
 Cesarean after cesarean 28 (5.5) .05295 .4451 .7997
 Unsure/prefer not to answer 0 (.0)
Preterm birth .0161 .0276 .0043
 Yes 77 (15.2)
 No 419 (82.5)
 N/A, missing 12 (2.4)
Low birth weight .0067 .0195 .0001
 Yes 51 (10.0)
 No 445 (87.6)
 N/A, missing 12 (2.4)
Interventions used during labora
 Induction 213 (41.9) .0596 .1374 .0109
 Pitocin 282 (55.5) .0008 .1543 .0039
 IV fluid 340 (66.9) .4047 .166 <.0001
 Heart rate monitoring 402 (79.1) .0042 .9556 <.0001
 None 57 (11.2) .7975 .6745 .6203
 Unsure/prefer not to answer 0 (.0)
Duration of support during postpartum .2107 .2460 .8938
 1–7 days 205 (40.4)
 2–3 weeks 126 (24.8)
 1 month 30 (5.9)
 >1 month 123 (24.2)
 Unsure/prefer not to answer 12 (2.4)
 N/A, missing 12 (2.4)
Duration of breastfeeding <.0001 <.0001 .0047
 ≤1 month 37 (7.3)
 2–3 months 39 (7.7)
 4–6 months 24 (4.7)
 6–12 months 82 (16.1)
 Did not breastfeed 40 (7.9)
 Unsure/prefer not to answer 12 (2.4)
 N/A, missing 12 (2.4)
Most recent pregnancy
Discuss birth plan with loved one <.0001 .3354 .6799
 Frequently 345 (67.9)
 Occasionally 107 (21.1)
 Rarely 22 (4.3)
 Never 9 (1.8)
 N/A, missing 25 (4.9)
Provider discussion of birth plan .0025 .1059 .2504
 Frequently 223 (43.9)
 Occasionally 171 (33.7)
 Rarely 73 (14.4)
 Never 14 (2.8)
 N/A, missing 27 (5.3)
Prior pregnancies
Discussed birth plan with loved one .0345 .7761 .0290
 Frequently 365 (71.9)
 Occasionally 112 (22.0)
 Rarely 20 (3.9)
 Never 5 (1.0)
 N/A, missing 6 (1.2)
Provider discussed birth plan .0011 .8143 .1594
 Frequently 235 (46.3)
 Occasionally 112 (22.0)
 Rarely 20 (3.9)
 Never 5 (1.0)
 N/A, missing 6 (1.2)
Having a birth plan is important .1483 .4635 .1480
 Agree 365 (71.9)
 Neutral 109 (21.5)
 Disagree 21 (4.1)
 Unsure 6 (1.2)
 N/A, missing 7 (1.4)
Confident in body’s ability to birth a baby .5583 .597 .0328
 Agree 400 (78.7)
 Neutral 54 (10.6)
 Disagree 34 (6.7)
 Unsure 8 (1.6)
 N/A, missing 12 (2.4)
Provider respected wishes for birth .5972 .2352 .8929
 Agree 408 (80.3)
 Neutral 57 (11.2)
 Disagree 29 (5.7)
 Unsure 2 (.4)
 N/A, missing 12 (2.4)
Understood the stages of labor .3327 .2766 .1233
 Agree 417 (82.1)
 Neutral 48 (9.4)
 Disagree 27 (5.3)
 Unsure 3 (.6)
 N/A, missing 13 (2.6)
Having a birth plan was important .2284 .9649 .0074
 Agree 335 (66.0)
 Neutral 112 (22.0)
 Disagree 51 (10.0)
 Unsure 5 (1.0)
 N/A, missing 5 (1.0)

Note. N/A = not applicable.

aDenotes that respondents could choose more than one response; 481–503 total respondents per section excluding “N/A, missing.”