Table 1.
Characteristics of the research group.
Sex | Age | Aneurysm location | Dimensions of the aneurysm sac (angio-CT) | The longest measurement of the aneurysm sac (3D printed model) | Dimensional deviation | Qualification for the research group | Impact of 3D model analysis | Treatment applied | Additional aneurysms |
M | 40 | RAA | 27 × 26 × 25 mm | 27.29 mm | 0.29 mm | Aneurysm located in the renal hilum, complicated morphology of the aneurysm, initial qualification for aneurysm repair with renal autograft | Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis, change of treatment method | Endovascular treatment - protection of the renal artery with a 5 × 30 mm stent and aneurysm sac coiling | N/A |
F | 58 | SAA | 20 × 12 × 11 mm | 20.41 mm | 0.41 mm | Aneurysm in the splenic hilum with 2 branches, complicated morphology of the aneurysm | Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis, selection of treatment method | Endovascular treatment - coiling of the aneurysm sac with the additional use of a 3D coil | N/A |
F | 62 | SAA | 17 × 12 × 14 mm | 17.67 mm | 0.67 mm | The tortuous course of the SA, complicated morphology of the aneurysm | Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis, selection of treatment method | Endovascular treatment - aneurysm supply with a 6 × 50 mm stent graft | In the splenic hilum, branch of SA, Ø 3 mm |
F | 42 | SAA | 25 × 22 × 17 mm | 24.92 mm | 0.08 mm | The tortuous course of the SA, complicated morphology of the aneurysm | Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis, selection of treatment method | Endovascular treatment - aneurysm supply with a 6 × 50 mm stent graft and coiling of the aneurysm sac. | In the splenic hilum, SA, Ø 4 mm. |
M | 44 | HAA | 22 × 11 × 10 mm | 22.57 mm | 0.57 mm | Aneurysm in the proximal section of the HA constricts the HA; MALS | Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis and communication with the patient | Observation | Poststenotic dilatation of the celiac trunk, up to 10 mm |
F | 74 | SPDA, IPDA | 18 × 13 × 12 mm | 18.43 mm | 0.43 mm | Multiple dilatations of SPDA and IPDA arteries | Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis | Observation | RRAA, Ø 5 mm |
M | 68 | RAA | 17 × 13 × 11 mm | 17.28 mm | 0.28 mm | Aneurysm on the RA division with 2 branches | Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis | Observation | N/A |
F | 46 | RAA | 19 × 16 × 15 mm, 9 × 9 × 8 mm | 18.24 mm, 9.36 mm | 0.76 mm, 0.36 mm | Two RAAs, one of them on a RA division with 3 branches | Improvement of the aneurysms morphology analysis | Observation | Celiac trunk, up to 16 mm |
F | 55 | SAA | 18 × 15 × 19 mm | 19.60 mm | 0.60 mm | Aneurysm on the SA division with branches | Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis | Observation | Left gastroomental artery, up to 13 mm |
F = female, M = male, HA = hepatic artery, HAA = hepatic artery aneurysm, IPDA = inferior pancreatic-duodenal artery, MALS = median arcuate ligament syndrome, N/A = not applicable, RAA = renal artery aneurysm, RRAA = right renal artery aneurysm, SA = splenic artery, SAA = splenic artery aneurysm, SPDA = superior pancreatic-duodenal artery.