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. 2023 Nov 10;102(45):e35844. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000035844

Table 1.

Characteristics of the research group.

Sex Age Aneurysm location Dimensions of the aneurysm sac (angio-CT) The longest measurement of the aneurysm sac (3D printed model) Dimensional deviation Qualification for the research group Impact of 3D model analysis Treatment applied Additional aneurysms
M 40 RAA 27 × 26 × 25 mm 27.29 mm 0.29 mm Aneurysm located in the renal hilum, complicated morphology of the aneurysm, initial qualification for aneurysm repair with renal autograft Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis, change of treatment method Endovascular treatment - protection of the renal artery with a 5 × 30 mm stent and aneurysm sac coiling N/A
F 58 SAA 20 × 12 × 11 mm 20.41 mm 0.41 mm Aneurysm in the splenic hilum with 2 branches, complicated morphology of the aneurysm Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis, selection of treatment method Endovascular treatment - coiling of the aneurysm sac with the additional use of a 3D coil N/A
F 62 SAA 17 × 12 × 14 mm 17.67 mm 0.67 mm The tortuous course of the SA, complicated morphology of the aneurysm Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis, selection of treatment method Endovascular treatment - aneurysm supply with a 6 × 50 mm stent graft In the splenic hilum, branch of SA, Ø 3 mm
F 42 SAA 25 × 22 × 17 mm 24.92 mm 0.08 mm The tortuous course of the SA, complicated morphology of the aneurysm Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis, selection of treatment method Endovascular treatment - aneurysm supply with a 6 × 50 mm stent graft and coiling of the aneurysm sac. In the splenic hilum, SA, Ø 4 mm.
M 44 HAA 22 × 11 × 10 mm 22.57 mm 0.57 mm Aneurysm in the proximal section of the HA constricts the HA; MALS Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis and communication with the patient Observation Poststenotic dilatation of the celiac trunk, up to 10 mm
F 74 SPDA, IPDA 18 × 13 × 12 mm 18.43 mm 0.43 mm Multiple dilatations of SPDA and IPDA arteries Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis Observation RRAA, Ø 5 mm
M 68 RAA 17 × 13 × 11 mm 17.28 mm 0.28 mm Aneurysm on the RA division with 2 branches Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis Observation N/A
F 46 RAA 19 × 16 × 15 mm, 9 × 9 × 8 mm 18.24 mm, 9.36 mm 0.76 mm, 0.36 mm Two RAAs, one of them on a RA division with 3 branches Improvement of the aneurysms morphology analysis Observation Celiac trunk, up to 16 mm
F 55 SAA 18 × 15 × 19 mm 19.60 mm 0.60 mm Aneurysm on the SA division with branches Improvement of the aneurysm morphology analysis Observation Left gastroomental artery, up to 13 mm

F = female, M = male, HA = hepatic artery, HAA = hepatic artery aneurysm, IPDA = inferior pancreatic-duodenal artery, MALS = median arcuate ligament syndrome, N/A = not applicable, RAA = renal artery aneurysm, RRAA = right renal artery aneurysm, SA = splenic artery, SAA = splenic artery aneurysm, SPDA = superior pancreatic-duodenal artery.