Treatment regimen administration in iMCD is highly variable and more generalized regimens are often administered before confirmed diagnosis. (A) Thirteen different regimen categories were identified and administered among this cohort. A total of 304 regimens were administered among the 102 patients with iMCD. Fifty-one (50%) patients received siltuximab w/wo corticosteroids at least once throughout their treatment course. The plot is sequentially ordered with the earliest enrollees at the bottom and the most recent enrollees at the top. Regimens administered before confirmed diagnosis are represented to the left of the vertical bar, and regimens administered on, or after, diagnosis are represented to the right of the vertical bar. (B) Given variability in presentation and the time until accurate diagnosis, some regimens are administered before confirmed diagnosis. In this cohort, 49% of the corticosteroid regimens were administered before confirmed diagnosis, whereas only 1.7% of the siltuximab w/wo corticosteroids regimens were administered before confirmed diagnosis. In this figure, regimens defined as immunomodulator(s) w/wo corticosteroids, anti-IL6 therapy + rituximab w/wo other treatments, anti-IL6 therapy + immunomodulator(s) w/wo corticosteroids, anti-IL6 therapy + procedure w/wo corticosteroids, procedure + drug therapy, procedure, and no medical treatment have been combined into an “Other” category. CS, corticosteroids.