FIG. 3.
Dose-response curves of garlic extract (A) and 4-NPO (B). The QS monitor PAO1 (lasB-gfp) (23) was incubated with 2% (solid squares), 1% (solid triangles), 0.5% (solid circles), 0.25% (X), 0.13% (open circles), 0.06% (open triangles), or 0% (open circles) (vol/vol) garlic extract. Likewise, the QS monitor was treated with 100 μM (solid circles), 50 μM (X), 25 μM (open squares), 13 μM (open triangles), or 0 μM (open circles) 4-NPO. Growth and fluorescence were followed over time. RFU, relative fluorescence units.