Correlations between microsatellite instability (MSI) events, treatment, and hMSH2-positive cells. Significant correlations between (a) number of MSI events and type of treatment received by patients during which samples were collected (2, alkylating chemotherapy; 3, nonalkylating chemotherapy; 4, radiation therapy; 5, hormone therapy; and 6, off treatment), (b) percentage of hMSH2-positive cells and number of MSI events (MSI and loss of heterozygosity [LOH]), and (c) percentage of hMSH2-positive cells and type of treatment received by patients during which samples were collected (1, before treatment; 2, alkylating chemotherapy; 3, nonalkylating chemotherapy; 4, radiation therapy; 5, hormone therapy; 6, off treatment). Values are expressed as means and standard errors (for P values see text).