Phylogram based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene fragments
from 30 hydromedusan ingroup members of the family Eirenidae, with two outgroup taxa.
Specimens were collected from the wild and two public Aquaria. The tree was generated
with 1000 bootstrap replicates using the maximum-likelihood optimality criterion with
the empirically-determined best-fit substitution model. The optimal model selected was
TamuraNei, non-uniformity of evolution rates among sites and this was modeled using a
discrete Gamma distribution (+G) with 5 rate categories. Under the assumption that a
specified fraction of sites is evolutionary invariable (+l), TN93+G+l. This model had 66
parameters, BIC = 6461.115 (Bayesian Information Criterion), AICc = 6461.12 (Akaike
Information Criterion, corrected), maximum likelihood score InL = -2907.703, gamma
correction (G) = 1.40, and the proportion of invariant sites (l) = 0.49. Clades are
color-coded by species and geographic sampling, including the following general regions
by bar color: Red = Eirene menoni, field sampled offshore of China and
Japan; Purple = Tima nigroannulata field sample offshore of Japan; Blue
= Eirene viridula field sampled offshore of Germany; Gray =
Eirene bairdii, field collected offshore Norway and Sweden; Orange =
Eirene hexanemalis, field collected offshore China; Green =
Eirene lacteoides, field collected offshore of China and captive
culture Enoshima Aquarium and Waikiki Aquarium. Outgroup taxa are LC198742 =
Cassiopea sp. and KM200330 =
Alatinaalata (see Table 1).