Gender-specific distribution of cancer types and age. (A) Percentage distribution of cancer types, differentiated by gender. The p value indicates the statistical significance of the differences between genders groups concerning cancer type distribution. The data reveal that men constitute the majority in most types of cancer. (B) Absolute number of cases for each cancer type, stratified by gender. Breast cancer is found to be the most common, followed by prostate and colon-rectum-anus cancers. (C) Age distribution by gender and cancer type. The outer shape represents the kernel density estimation of the age distribution, while the inner boxplot highlights the median and quartiles. The p value indicates the statistical significance of the differences between genders groups concerning age distribution by cancer type. Our findings indicate significant clinical differences in the age of diagnosis for breast, thyroid, and liver and biliary tract cancers between men and women. (D) Age distribution by gender reveals that cancers at a young age are more prevalent in women, while men form the majority of cases after the age of 55.