Fig. 2.
Phospho-negative mutants reduces per-polysulfide levels under hypoxia. HEK293 cells transfected with either Control (Con), wild type CSE (WT), phospho-negative mutant S346A or T355A under hypoxia (1 % oxygen) for 30 min and probed for per-polysulfide (SSP4 fluorophore) or hydrogen sulfide (SF7 fluorophore) signal. Panels A, B, and C show SSP4 signal using cysteine, cystine, or cystathionine as substrates, respectively. Panels D, E, and F show SF7 signal using cysteine, cystine, or cystathionine as substrates, respectively. All data were averaged from triplicates from each experiment with at least n = 5. ****P < 0.0001; **P < 0.003; *P < 0.01.