Adolescence |
If after 3 months of medical therapy for pain, pain or dysmenorrhoea is still 3/10 I do a laparoscopy |
22 |
8976 |
Do you think endometriosis can grow significantly during medical therapy |
29 |
8976 |
A delay in diagnosis of more than 5 years results in more severe endometriosis lesions |
64 |
8766 |
Fertility |
I consider and discuss oocyte preservation, before surgery for severe endometriosis in a 30-year-old woman planning a pregnancy. |
63 |
9224 |
I think the presence of deep endometriosis decreases the success rate of IVF. |
60 |
9336 |
In young infertile women without pain and no other infertility factors, including the husband, laparoscopy should be done before starting IVF |
34 |
9336 |
Controlled ovarian stimulation accelerates the growth of endometriosis |
28 |
9336 |
The presence of a recto-vaginal nodule of 2cm is a contra-indication for IVF |
12 |
9232 |
Classification |
Which classifications do you use regularly for endometriosis? (tick as many answers as you can) |
see text |
The Enzian/#Enzian classification reflect accurately the difficulty of surgery |
56 |
8580 |
The Enzian/#Enzian classification correlates well with the symptoms of the patient |
23 |
8680 |
The rASRM classification reflect accurately the difficulty of surgery |
5 |
8524 |
The rASRM classification correlates well with the symptoms of the patient |
4 |
8524 |
The AAGL classification correlates well with the symptoms of the patient |
11 |
7118 |
We need a classification of non-invasive diagnosis |
74 |
8840 |
An endometriosis classification is useful for IVF treatment |
40 |
8958 |
Adenomyosis |
In infertile women, a thickened junctional zone needs medical management |
31 |
9011 |
When adenomyosis is suspected on ultrasound, MRI is needed before surgery |
35 |
9336 |
If infertility and an adenomyosis nodule of >1cm, I do surgery |
89 |
9252 |
A classification system for adenomyosis is useful for clinical management |
54 |
8965 |
Infertility of >5 years and only adenomyosis: I expect the fertility rate after surgery (%) |
see text |
For severe diffuse adenomyosis, the complete removal of the longitudinal muscle layer of the myometrium (neometra) is safe if the patient wishes to become pregnant. |
4 |
9252 |
Sub-endometrial adenomyotic cysts of < 1cm should be treated via hysteroscopy |
56 |
9272 |
Imaging |
My decision to do a bowel resection is based on ultrasound and or MRI imaging |
45 |
8681 |
A descriptive imaging report has more value than a classification system |
53 |
9230 |
Ultrasound imaging accurately predicts ureter involvement even without hydronephrosis |
31 |
9162 |
In women with cystic ovarian endometriosis larger than 3cm, the ovarian reserve needs to be evaluated e.g. by an antral follicle count (AFC) |
70 |
9129 |
In adolescents, transabdominal ultrasound can replace transvaginal or transrectal ultrasound |
14 |
9186 |
Has MRI added value for rectal endometriosis compared with an expert transvaginal ultrasound? |
19 |
9336 |
An endometrioma of 4cm AND CA125 = 50: from what age do you do an adnexectomy |
see text |
How do you describe the size of deep endometriosis? |
see text |
Bowel stenosis of the rectum can be diagnosed reliably by ultrasound. |
23 |
9240 |
Depth of infiltration in the bowel wall can be diagnosed reliably by ultrasound |
51 |
8970 |
The bowel |
In deep endometriosis, should we excise fibrosis or can we leave it? |
54 |
9177 |
Is it better to do a double discoid excision (if feasible) over a bowel resection |
51 |
8517 |
Do you use omental flaps to protect the bowel or ureter after re-anastomosis? |
25 |
8526 |
Should the type of surgical intervention be decided before surgery (versus during surgery) |
47 |
8967 |
Do you use daily C reactive protein (CRP) after surgery for deep endometriosis? |
52 |
8429 |
Should asymptomatic women with a 2*2*2cm bowel nodule be operated on? |
7 |
9113 |
The ureter |
Ultrasound is an appropriate imaging modality to diagnose hydronephrosis. |
90 |
9240 |
If hydronephrosis is present, I order a functional assessment of the kidney before surgery. |
87 |
9240 |
A kidney is considered irrecuperable if renal function is below ..... % |
see text |
I am comfortable placing ureteral stents without the assistance of a urologist. |
36 |
8421 |
Before extensive ureterolysis without hydronephrosis, a ureteral stent is indicated. |
32 |
8652 |
For how many years do you check for ureter stenosis after reanastomosis |
see text |
The right surgeon for each patent |
The future of endometriosis surgery will be a pelvic surgeon (versus a multidisciplinary team ) |
44 |
9336 |
A thin-walled hydrosalpinx should be operated by salpingostomy (versus a salpingectomy). |
0 |
8344 |
I ask a colorectal surgeon for help to do a bowel resection of the sigmoid. |
77 |
8638 |
I ask a colorectal surgeon for help to do a bowel resection of the low rectum. |
84 |
8638 |
My colorectal surgeon agrees that endometriosis requires less extensive surgery than cancer and that a colostomy or ileostomy is not needed |
61 |
8352 |
I manage my postoperative bowel complication without the assistance of a colorectal surgeon |
13 |
8515 |
I manage my postoperative ureter complications without the assistance of a urologist |
21 |
8638 |
I do all ureter surgery without the help of a urologist |
34 |
8638 |
Sacral root surgery requires the assistance of a neurosurgeon |
24 |
8171 |
Fertility surgery requires specific training besides severe endometriosis training |
62 |
9049 |
An endometriosis referral surgeon should operate more than ....... cases a year with bowel, bladder or ureter involvement |
see text/fig |
Patient-centered outcomes |
Negative findings during clinical exam and imaging (ultrasound and/or MRI) do not rule out endometriosis |
88 |
9273 |
Negative findings during laparoscopy do not rule out endometriosis |
52 |
9273 |
A diagnosis of endometriosis validates symptoms and provides access to relevant care |
80 |
9016 |
All decisions on endometriosis management should be made together with the patient |
93 |
9273 |
Educational programs should be added to school curriculums to understand a normal period and menstrual well-being. |
91 |
9273 |
National healthcare systems should care for and meet the needs of those with endometriosis to receive high-quality and holistic care. |
89 |
9273 |
Those with endometriosis should be supported to succeed in employment through appropriate adaptions and workplace policies |
73 |
9196 |
Those living with endometriosis should be involved in setting priorities for endometriosis research and contribute to protocol development |
78 |
9066 |
Adhesion prevention |
Incomplete endometriosis excision causes more adhesions |
53 |
9336 |
Barriers should be used systematically after endometriosis surgery |
40 |
8916 |
I estimate that barriers decrease postoperative adhesions by .....(%) |
see text |
After excision of cystic ovarian endometriosis, adhesions occur in (%) |
see text |
Cystic ovarian endometriosis |
What size endometrioma in a 25-year-old patient with little pain requires surgery |
Fig 1
The capsula of an endometrioma is fibrosis and not endometriosis |
40 |
8916 |
Tick sequentially your first and second choice to treat endometriomas of 7-8 cm in a 25-nulliparous patient |
see text |
Tick sequentially your first and second choice to treat endometriomas of 3-4 cm in a 25-nulliparous patient |
see text |
What is your preferred method to achieve hemostasis after excision? |
see text |
Femtech AI |
All laparoscopic diagnoses of endometriosis must be confirmed by pathology |
40 |
8916 |
An app would improve the follow-up after medical or surgical treatment of endometriosis |
60 |
9124 |
An app would improve the diagnosis of endometriosis |
49 |
8629 |
Indocyanine green should be used to check vascularisation after bowel resection-anastomosis |
33 |
8251 |
Indocyanine green should be used to check vascularisation after ureter resection-anastomosis |
39 |
8121 |
For the excision of deep endometriosis with hydronephrosis, robotic surgery is superior |
15 |
8505 |
Nerves |
Severe menstrual sciatalgia with a normal MRI needs a surgical exploration of the sciatic nerve |
24 |
8103 |
An image of the dermatomes should be used in the medical records |
56 |
8210 |
The surgeon needs to know the dermatomes of The genito-femoral nerve |
77 |
7998 |
The ilio inguinal nerve |
80 |
7536 |
The ilio hypogastric nerve |
82 |
7788 |
The sciatic nerve |
85 |
7998 |
Pain |
Deep endometriosis without pain or dyspareunia decreases libido |
14 |
9084 |
Chronic pelvic pain without dyspareunia decreases libido |
72 |
9084 |
Centralization of chronic pain occurs after how many months? |
see text |
Pain reduction after surgery should be judged after how many months? |
see text |
The memory of pain makes the pain worse when there is a recurrence of endometriosis. |
68 |
9277 |
Sexuality |
#### |
0 |
When suspected or confirmed endometriosis, should we ask about deep dyspareunia |
96 |
9093 |
When suspected or confirmed endometriosis, should we ask about comorbid bladder symptoms, “the evil twins” (post-coital/recurrent cystitis, urinary urgency and/or frequency?) |
90 |
9093 |
When suspected or confirmed endometriosis, should we ask about vulvar pain and/or introital dyspareunia? |
77 |
8937 |
Do you use a validated questionnaire (e.g. FSFI -Female Sexual Functioning Index) to judge the impact of endometriosis on sexual function |
15 |
8799 |
When suspected or confirmed endometriosis, do you ask about the sexuality of the couple including the partner |
58 |
9093 |
Medical therapy |
During medical treatment, I do a 6 or 12-monthly ultrasonographic follow-up |
72 |
9336 |
In adolescents with dysmenorrhoea >7/10 and negative exams, I start medical treatment |
86 |
9336 |
I use medical treatment before surgery for deep endometriosis |
38 |
9336 |
I use medical treatment before surgery for cystic ovarian endometriosis |
30 |
9240 |
After endometriosis surgery, I give medical therapy without menstruation until pregnancy wish |
12 |
8849 |
I estimate the placebo effect of medical treatment for pelvic pain at |
see text |