Fig. 3.
Senolytic therapy reduces circulating immune cells. After 5 months of intermittent dasatinib (D) and quercetin (Q) administration prior to caloric restriction (Pre-CR), animals receiving senolytic therapy demonstrated trends towards decreases in circulating A total white blood cells B neutrophils, C basophils, and D B cells identified as CD45+CD20+.However monocytes identified as CD3−CD20− (E), showed a significant D + Q × CR interaction whereby D + Q lowered monocytes concurrent with a significant overall effect of CR to increase cell number (* = p < 0.05). The effect of CR resulted in general decreases in total white blood cells, neutrophils, and basophilsin both the VEH (n = 7) and D + Q (n = 9) animals (* = p < 0.05; # = p < 0.1 vs. Pre-CR). All values presented are adjusted means ± SEM