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. 2023 Nov 6;7(1):e228. doi: 10.1017/cts.2023.647

Table 1.

Overview of CALMS-D and DREAM studies

sub-study 2
Study design and primary outcome 2-arm RCT: diabetes education vs diabetes education + stress management. Outcome: HbA1c and depressive symptoms 7-day micro-longitudinal observation of relationships between stressors, mood, health behaviors, and glucose Single session of observation of autonomic responses to physical challenges 3-arm RCT: social services vs lifestyle vs lifestyle + pharmacist. Outcome: HbA1c, depressive symptoms, insulin resistance
Methods for evaluating LHR Independent observer fidelity checklists Independent observer fidelity checklists Independent observer fidelity checklists Rates of missing/unusable data
In-depth interviews In-depth interviews In-depth interviews
# CBOs employing LHR 1 1 1 2
Participants N = 121 low-income, Latino, urban, type 2 diabetes, reside in Hartford, CT. Spanish speaking N = 50 from parent study N = 35 from parent study N = 188 low-income, low-literacy, Cambodian, elevated depressive symptoms, high risk for diabetes, reside in CT, MA, or RI. Khmer speaking
LHR 3 Latina. Bilingual Spanish/English speaking and reading. Educational attainment high school graduate to some college courses Same as for parent study Same as for parent study 8 Cambodian, born in Cambodia. Bilingual Khmer/English speaking, a few were Khmer reading. Educational attainment high school to bachelor’s degree
Data collection location Data were collected in the home or at the CBO, per participant request; most were completed in the home Data were collected in the home Data were collected in the home Data were collected in the home, at the CBO, or at a community venue (e.g., church, clinic) per participant request; most were completed in the home
Data collected by LHR 24-hour urine sample Interactive voice response system Serial blood pressures Sleep actigraphyPhysical activity actigraphyHair samplesTrauma surveys
Holter monitor Continuous glucose monitor

CALMS-D = community health workers assisting latinos manage stress and diabetes; CBO = community-based organization; CT, MA, RI = Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island; DREAM = diabetes risk reduction through eat, walk, sleep, and medication therapy management; LHR = lay health research personnel; RCT = randomized clinical trial.