Fig. 1.
Slc6a13 deficiency reduces the hyperinflammatory responses in the lungs of mice during P. multocida infection. a The survival rates of WT and Slc6a13−/− mice infected by P. multocida (n = 10, Kaplan-Meier analysis). b The bacterial burden in mice lungs infected by P. multocida at 8, 16, and 24 h postinfection (n = 8∼13, one-way ANOVA). c The specific distribution of PmCQ2 in the lung tissues of mice at 16 h postinfection via FISH (n = 12, unpaired, two-tailed Student's t test). The probes were labeled with Cy3, and cell nuclei were determined by counterstained with DAPI. d The severe lung tissues inflammatory lesions caused by PmCQ2 at 16 h postinfection with H&E staining (n = 11, magnification ×400). e The expressions of iNOS in lungs of mice were determined by immunohistochemistry (×400) (n = 6). IOD: integrated optical density. f The expressions of Ly6G in lungs of mice were determined by immunohistochemistry (×400) (n = 6). Data are shown as means ± SD. WT, Wild-type mice; KO, Slc6a13−/− mice; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; SD, standard deviation.