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. 2015 Mar 20;2015(3):CD003988. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003988.pub2

Stuart 2014.

Methods Time frame and location: March 2012 to June 2013; Chapel Hill, NC (USA)
RCT, phase 4
Sample size calculation and outcome of focus: no information. Planned to enroll 190; randomized 35. Study stopped early; expulsion rate met a priori stopping rules.
Participants General with N and source: 35 women, 18 to 45 years old; Women's Hospital of North Carolina
Inclusion criteria (for antepartum enrollment):
Pregnant and ≥ 24 weeks of estimated gestational age; intent to breastfeed for at least 6 months; plan to use LNG‐IUS postpartum; anticipation of vaginal delivery; HIV negative; intention to stay in Chapel Hill area for at least 6 months after birth; no medical or personal conditions that in the judgment of study staff preclude participation; no allergies to any component of LNG‐IUS; no known uterine anomalies; fluent in English
 No history of ectopic pregnancy, carcinoma of the breast, acute liver disease or liver tumor (benign or malignant); uterine or cervical neoplasia or unresolved abnormal pap smear; active pelvic inflammatory disease; hypersensitivity to component of LNG‐IUS; genital bleeding of unknown etiology; solid organ transplantation
Additional eligibility criteria for trial entry (assessed postpartum):
 No endometritis or chorioamnionitis; membranes ruptured < 24 hours before delivery; no fever ≥ 38°C during intrapartum or postpartum period; did not receive medication other than pitocin or misoprostol to control postpartum bleeding; did not have blood loss > 750 mL intrapartum, blood transfusion for postpartum hemorrhage, third or fourth degree laceration at delivery; infant > 35 weeks gestation as determined by physical exam; weight at least 2727 grams; singleton birth; not in intensive care nursery; not diagnosed with condition that precludes long‐term feeding
Exclusion criteria: no other mention
Interventions Levonorgestrel‐releasing IUS (20 μg) with different insertion times
Treatment: inserted within 48 hours of delivery
Comparison: inserted 4 to 8 weeks after delivery
Outcomes Measures: any breastfeeding
Assessments: 6 months
Notes Information from published conference abstract, listing, and communication with investigator
Full report to be submitted for publication by mid‐September, according to investigator.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk 1:1 allocation
Computer generated by someone not involved with study activities, according to communication with investigator
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Sequentially numbered opaque envelopes, according to communication with investigator
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Open label
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Six‐month analysis for LNG‐IUS continuation included all women randomized.