Table 5.
PT 3 – Interview 2 (Master 1, Semester 2) |
” I will do the plenary explanation next session otherwise it did not made sense to register as a peer teacher. I have to cross that border. It’s difficult, but I need to.” |
PT 10 – Interview 5 (Master 2, Semester 4) |
“In one of the previous interviews, I mentioned that I do the peer teaching mainly for myself. By teaching others, I can learn new things myself. When I noticed that the other students learnt new things, this gave me a big sense of accomplishment, and this is another reason why I decided to become a peer teacher.” |
PT 8—Interview 2 (Master 2, semester 3) |
“This year I pay more attention to how I can learn from my colleagues to give a clear explanation and hope to improve this skill. I think that whatever doctor I will be, passing through information will always be part of my job That was definitely not my initial motivation to become peer teacher.” |