Model of the alginate biosynthetic complex in P. aeruginosa. (A) Model of the alginate biosynthetic complex colour coded by function. Structures of AlgD (PDB: 1MFZ, 1MUU, 1MV8) (Snook et al. 2003), AlgC (PDB: 1K2Y, 1K35) (Regni et al. 2002), the cytoplasmic domain of Alg44 (PDB: 4RT0, 4RT1,) (Whitney et al. 2015), cytoplasmic domain of AlgJ (PDB: 4O8V) (Baker et al. 2014), AlgF (PDB: 6D10, 6CZT), AlgX (PDB: 4KNC) (Riley et al. 2013), AlgG (PDB: 4NK8, 4OZZ, 4OZY) (Wolfram et al. 2014), AlgL (PDB: 4OZV, 4OZW, 7SA8) (Gheorghita et al. 2022b), AlgK (PDB: 3E4B) (Keiski et al. 2010), and AlgE (PDB: 3RBH, 4AZL, 4B61, 4AFK) (Whitney et al. 2011, Tan et al. 2014) have been experimentally determined and are drawn to scale and shown in a surface representation. (B) Alginate operon in P. aeruginosa colour coded by proposed function. IM, inner membrane; PG, peptidoglycan; and OM, outer membrane.