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. 2023 Mar 3;29(5):300–308. doi: 10.4103/sjg.sjg_531_22

Table 2.

Performance of intestinal ultrasound in the assessment of disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease

Performance of IUS Sensitivity %[95%CI] Specificity %[95%CI] PPV %[95%CI] NPV %[95%CI]

Total UC CD Total UC CD Total UC CD Total UC CD
vs EAI
 Overall 66.7 [41,86] 50.0 [17,83] 80.0 [44,97] 97.0[83,100] 100 [81,100] 91.7[60,100] 92.3[62,100] 100[40,100] 88.9 [51,99] 84.2 [68,93] 84 [63,95] 84.6 [54,97]
 Per parameters
 BWT 72.2 [46,89] 33.3 [2,88] 80.0 [44,97] 75.8 [57,88] 65.4 [44,82] 75.0 [43,93] 61.9 [39,81] 10.0 [1,46] 72.7 [39,93] 83.3 [65,94] 89.5 [66,98] 81.8 [48,97]
 LWS 61.1 [36,82] 33.3 [2,88] 70.0 [35,92] 93.9 [78,99] 84.6 [64,95] 91.7[60,100] 84.6 [54,97] 20.0 [1,70] 87.5 [47,99] 81.6 [65,92] 91.7 [72,99] 78.6 [49,94]
 MFP 50.0 [27,73] 33.3 [2,88] 60.0 [27,86] 100 [87,100] 92.3 [73,99] 100 [70,100] 100 [63,100] 33.3 [2,88] 100[52,100] 78.6 [63,89] 92.3 [73,99] 75.0 [47,92]
 IV 50.0 [27,73] 33.3 [2,88] 60.0 [27,86] 97.0[83,100] 92.3 [73,99] 91.7[60,100] 90.0[54,100] 33.3 [2,88] 85.7 [42,99] 78.0 [62,89] 92.3 [73,99] 73.3 [45,91]
 Per-bowel segment
 Terminal ileum 40.0 [14,73] 0.0 [0,95] 44.4 [15,77] 97.6[86,100] 96.4[80,100] 100 [72,100] 80.0 [30,99] 0.0 [0,95] 100[40,100] 87.0 [73,95] 96.4[80,100] 72.2 [46,89]
 Right colon 70.0 [35,92] 0.0 [0,95] 77.8 [40,96] 100 [89,100] 100 [85,100] 100 [72,100] 100 [56,100] - 100[56,100] 93.2 [80,98] 96.6[80,100] 86.7 [58,98]
 Transverse colon 100 [60,100] 100[31,100] 100[46,100] 95.3 [83,99] 100 [84,100] 88.2 [62,98] 80.0 [44,97] 100[31,100] 71.4 [30,95] 100 [89,100] 100 [84,100] 100[75,100]
 Left colon 61.1 [36,82] 45.5 [18,75] 85.7 [42,99] 100 [87,100] 100 [78,100] 100 [75,100] 100 [68,100] 100[46,100] 100[52,100] 82.5 [67,92] 75.0 [53,89] 93.8[68,100]
 Rectum 42.1 [21,66] 36.4 [12,68] 50.0 [17,83] 93.8 [78,99] 94.4[71,100] 92.9[64,100] 80.0 [44,97] 80.0 [30,99] 80.0 [30,99] 73.2 [57,85] 70.8 [49,87] 76.5 [50,92]
 Correlation r=0.698 (P<0.01) r=0.648 (P<0.01) r=0.726 (P<0.01)
vs CAI
 Overall 70.0 [35,92] 33.3 [2,88] 85.7 [42,99] 85.4 [70,94] 88.5 [69,97] 80.0 [51,95] 53.8 [26,80] 25.0 [1,78] 66.7 [31,91] 92.1 [78,98] 92.0 [73,99] 92.3[62,100]
 Correlation r=0.504 (P<0.01) r=0.192 (P=0.317) r=0.623 (P=0.002)
vs biomarkers
 Faecal calprotectin r=0.489 (P=0.001) r=0.461 (P=0.018) r=0.511 (P=0.025)
 C-reactive protein r=0.604 (P<0.01) r=0.475 (P=0.009) r=0.647 (P=0.001)
 Correlation r=0.661 (P=0.007) - r=0.745 (P=0.002)

IUS=intestinal ultrasound, PPV=positive predictive value, NPV=negative predictive value, CI=confidence interval, UC=ulcerative colitis, CD=Crohn’s disease, vs=versus, EAI=endoscopic activity index, BWT=bowel wall thickening, LWS=loss of wall stratification, MFP=mesenteric fatty proliferation, IV=increased vascularity, r=Pearson’s correlation coefficient, CAI=clinical activity index, CT=computed tomography, MRI=magnetic resonance imaging