Figure 3. Stronger dissociation between general and face memory in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) compared to typically developing (TD) children.
(A) Correlations between memory subscores assessed by WRAML2 and NEPSY-II. Purple frames show correlations between general memory measures. Orange frames show correlations between general and face memory measures. (B) Compared to TD children, children with ASD showed higher correlations between general memory measures (purple frames in Figure 3A). (C) Children with ASD, relative to TD children, showed lower correlations between general and face memory measures (orange frames in Figure 3A). (D) Results of hierarchical clustering analysis of memory subscores measured from WRAML2 and NEPSY-II in each group. ▼ indicates the optimal cluster solution supported by consensus analysis (see details in Methods). Dendrogram shows clear hierarchical clustering into general and face domains in children with ASD. In TD children, no single cluster had all general memory measures (see also Supplementary Results). WRAML2, Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition; NEPSY-II, Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment, Second Edition; *** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01.