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. 2023 Nov 15;383:e075219. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075219

Table 1.

Characteristics of practice sites and participants at baseline by intervention group. Values are number (percentage) unless stated otherwise

Intervention arm Usual care arm
No* Estimate No* Estimate
Site level characteristics
Total No of sites 17 13
Mean (SD) practice size 17 20 694 (9714) 13 18 114 (7998)
Mean (SD) No of participants providing consent per site 17 31 (12.05) 13 43 (12.71)
Mean (SD) area level deprivation of practice based on postcode 17 11 (5.02) 13 16 (8.39)
Participant level characteristics
Total No of participants 524 553
Personal characteristics
Mean (SD) age (years); (min-max) 524 68.9 (9.3) (32-94) 553 68.4 (9.2) (30-95)
 White 522 513 (98.3) 550 542 (98.6)
 Black, Asian, mixed, or other 8 (1.5) 5 (0.9)
 Disclosure declined 1 (0.2) 3 (0.6)
Marital status:
 Single 517 21 (4.1) 543 25 (4.6)
 Married or civil partnered 436 (84.3) 455 (83.8)
 Divorced 31 (6.0) 32 (5.9)
 Widowed 27 (5.2) 28 (5.2)
 Disclosure declined 2 (0.4) 3 (0.6)
Index of multiple deprivation fifth:
 1st (most deprived) 506 17 (3.4) 525 21 (4.0)
 2nd 33 (6.5) 37 (7.0)
 3rd 67 (13.2) 106 (20.2)
 4th 141 (27.9) 136 (25.9)
 5th (least deprived) 248 (49.0) 225 (42.9)
Median (IQR) index of multiple deprivation score 8.80 (5.75-13.71) 9.89 (6.21-15.45)
Clinical characteristics
Mean (SD) height (cm) (min-max) 518 176.72 (6.77) (152.40-198.12) 550 176.93 (7.41) (157.48-208.28)
Mean (SD) weight (kg) (min-max) 510 83.36 (14.45) (55.02-152.41) 549 83.89 (14.29) (53.98-136.98)
Mean (SD) body mass index (min-max) 508 26.71 (4.40) (18.91-52.31) 549 26.76 (4.00) (17.57-42.18)
No of comorbidities:
 0 478 151 (31.6) 544 171 (31.4)
 1 160 (33.5) 197 (36.2)
 >1 167 (34.9) 176 (32.3)
Test results in 6 months pre-baseline:
 Urine analysis: abnormal 79 1 (1.3) 52 2 (3.9)
 Kidney function: eGFR (mL/min/1.73m2) 170 215
 eGFR measures:
  Mean (SD) eGFR 170 73.5 (15.7) 215 74.6 (13.2)
  Median (IQR) eGFR 76.5 (65-87) 75 (66-87)
  Min-max eGFR 28-98 36-100
 CKD stages based on recent eGFR (mL/min/1.73m2):
  ≥90: normal 170 28 (16.5) 215 33 (15.4)
  90-60: stages G1-G2 114 (67.1) 154 (71.6)
  30-59: stage G3 27 (15.9) 28 (13.0)
  <30: stages G4-G5 1 (0.6) 0 (0)
No of GP consultations in 12 months before baseline:
 Mean (SD) 478 4.4 (3.7) 544 4.8 (5.0)
 Median (IQR) 4 (2-6) 4 (2-6)
 Min-max 0-23 0-58
Referrals to urology in 12 months pre-baseline:
 0 478 464 (97.1) 544 525 (96.5)
 1 14 (2.9) 19 (3.5)
 >1 0 0
Patient reported symptoms and quality of life
Mean (SD) IPSS (min-max):
 Incomplete emptying 512 1.7 (1.5) (0-5) 549 1.9 (1.5) (0-5)
 Frequency 514 2.7 (1.3) (0-5) 551 2.9 (1.4) (0-5)
 Intermittency 514 1.9 (1.6) (0-5) 549 2.0 (1.7) (0-5)
 Urgency 513 2.1 (1.6) (0-5) 549 2.3 (1.7) (0-5)
 Weak stream 510 1.9 (1.5) (0-5) 549 2.0 (1.7) (0-5)
 Straining 513 0.8 (1.2) (0-5) 548 1.0 (1.3) (0-5)
 Nocturia 516 2.6 (1.4) (0-5) 551 2.4 (1.2) (0-5)
Mean (SD) total IPSS (min-max) 501 13.6 (5.8) (1-33) 541 14.6 (6.6) (2-34)
Symptom severity by IPSS:
 ≤7: mild 501 76 (15.2) 541 74 (13.7)
 8-19; moderate 342 (68.3) 338 (62.5)
 ≥20: severe 83 (16.6) 129 (23.8)
Mean (SD) IPSS quality of life score† (min-max) 516 3.5 (1.2) (0-6) 551 3.6 (1.1) (0-6)
Mean (SD) ICIQ-UI-SF total score (min-max) 513 3.6 (3.6) (0-14) 542 3.9 (3.7) (0-15)
ICIQ-UI-SF urine leakage‡:
 Never 523 185 (35.4) 553 161 (29.2)
 Before getting to the toilet 205 (39.2) 237 (42.9)
 When coughing/sneezing 24 (4.6) 24 (4.4)
 When asleep 12 (2.3) 15 (2.7)
 During physical activity 23 (4.4) 27 (4.9)
 After urinating/when dressed 175 (33.5) 205 (37.1)
 No obvious reason 36 (6.9) 42 (7.6)
 All the time 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2)
Mean (SD) B-IPQ total score (min-max) 440 38.7 (11.0) (1-75) 478 39.4 (10.4) (6-72)
Bladder diary§:
 Incontinence 502 100 (19.9)
 Urgency 507 364 (71.8)
 Nocturia¶ 261 222 (85.1)

B-IPQ=Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire; CKD=chronic kidney disease; eGFR=estimated glomerular filtration rate; IQR=interquartile range; ICIQ-UI-SF=International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence-Short Form; IPSS=International Prostate Symptom Score; SD=standard deviation.


Number providing non-missing data at baseline.

Question asked: “If you were to spend the rest of your life with your urinary condition the way it is now, how would you feel about that?”

Question asked: “When does urine leak?”


Bladder diary completed as part of initial assessment in intervention arm only.

For description purposes at baseline, nocturia is defined as waking to urinate at least once on two nights or to urinate twice or more. When data on waking or sleeping were not provided by participants, the variable was set to missing.