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. 2023 Oct 31;24(21):15788. doi: 10.3390/ijms242115788

Table 1.

Preclinical studies describing implication of MSCs and MSC-EVs on mitochondrial transfer and MQC in cardiac, pulmonary, and hepatic injury.

Organ Preclinical Model Treatment Outcome Mechanism References
Heart Anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy in mice iPSC-MSCs and BM-MSCs iPSC-MSC preserved heart tissue better than BM-MSCs. Efficiency of Mt transfer
TNT formation
MSC expression of Miro1
Zhang et al., 2016 [158]
Doxorubicin-induced injury in human cardiomyocytes
in vitro
Co-culture or direct contact with MSC-EVs Large MSC-EVs (>200 nm) ameliorated cardiomyocyte injury.
Inhibition of Mt function in MSC-EVs attenuated efficacy.
Improved contractility
↑ ATP production
↑ Mt biogenesis
O’Brien et al., 2021 [163]
Cardiomyocytes (H9c2) IRI
in vitro
MSC-H9c2 co-culture Marked resistance against IRI ↓ apoptosis
↑ Mt transfer from MSC to H9c2 via TNT formation
Han et al., 2016 [164]
MI in mice MSC-Mt transplanted in peri-infarct area MSC-Mt preserved better cardiac function after MI then fibroblast derived Mt. ↑ Vessel density in MI area
↓ Apoptosis and endothelial cell senescence (via ERK pathway activation)
↓ Heart remodeling
Liang et al., 2023 [165]
Co-culture of MSCs and cardiomyocytes or endothelial cells pretreated with H2O2.
MI in mice
MSCs Increased capacity of injured cells to combat oxidative stress.
Reduced damage of infarcted mouse hearts.
Mitochondrial exchange between MSCs and damaged cells
↑ HO-1
↑ mitochondrial biogenesis
Mahrouf-Yorgov et al., 2017 [150]
Hibernating myocardium model without infarction in juvenile swine (surgical stenosis of the left anterior desc. coronary artery) Epicardial MSC patch applied during coronary artery bypass graft Improved myocardial function (measured by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging).
Improved Mt function.
Improved Mt morphology
↑ Mt biogenesis and ATP production in cardiac tissue
Hocum et al., 2021 [166]
MI in mice MSCs preconditioned or not with Mt MSCs primed with Mt had increased capacity to repair mouse myocardial infarct. ↑ Mitophagy of exogenous Mt
↑ Anti-inflammatory, proangiogenic and anti-fibrotic properties of MSCs primed with Mt.
Vignais et al., 2023 [167]
Lung MSC/alveolar Mϕ direct co-culture BM-MSCs ↑ Mϕ oxidative phosphorylation and phagocytosis Mt transfer from MSCs to Mϕ by TNT formation Jackson et al., 2017 [171]
E. coli mouse ARDS model BM-MSCs ↑ Mϕ phagocytosis
Antibacterial effect
Mt from MSC aquired by lung Mϕ through TNT formation
↑ Phagocytic activity of Mϕ positive for MSC Mt
Jackson et al., 2016 [147]
Mϕ and MSC non-contact co-culture stimulated with LPS or BALF from ARDS patients
ARDS mouse model
Alveolar Mϕ cultured with and without MSC-EVs
↓ Cytokine production
↑ M2-like Mϕ marker expression
↓ Pulmonary inflammation
↓ Lung injury
↑ Mϕ phagocytic capacity
Involvement of Mt in Mϕ & CD44 in MSC-EVs
Crucial role of Mt in Mϕs and MSC-EVs
Morrison et al., 2017 [160]
Primary cells and human lung cuts exposed to endotoxin or plasma of ARDS patients (in vitro)
ARDS mouse LPS model
MSC-EVs Improvement of increased cell permeability and Mt dysfunction
↓ Lung injury
Restoration of alveolar-capillary barrier
Normalization of oxidative phosphorylation
EVs with dysfunctional Mt was ineffective.
Mt transfer and restoration of Mt function
DutraSilva et al., 2021 [172]
Acute lung IRI rat model
Lung epithelial cell line exposed to H/R injury (in vitro)
AD-MSCs and iPSC-MSCs Similar lung protection with both AD-MSCs and iPSC-MSCs
↓ Lung injury score
↓ Inflammation cells
↓ Mitochondrial damage/cell apoptosis, autophagy, and oxidative stress
↓ Drp-1, Mt Bax/caspase3/8/9 and authophagy pathways (in vitro)
Lin et al., 2020 [173]
ASMCs exposed to cigarette smoke media
COPD mouse model (exposure to ozon)
↓ Airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness
Mt transfer to donor cells
↑ Mt function
Li et al., 2018 [175]
COPD mouse model
(mice exposed to cigarette smoke for 10 days)
BEAS2B-mMSC co-cultures
↓ Bronchial epithelial damage
↓ Inflammatory cellular infiltration
↑ Mitofusin 1 and 2
↑ Mt transfer
↓ Pro-inflammatory cytokines
Same changes confirmed in co-culture settings
Maremanda et al., 2019 [176]
Asthma mouse model MSCs
(naïve, over-expressing or knockout for Miro-1)
↓ Allergic inflammation and hyperresponsiveness of airways
↓ Lung injury
Mt transfer from MSCs to bronchial epithelial cells; Rho-GTPase Miro1-dependent process Ahmad et al., 2014 [156]
Asthma mouse model BM-MSCs ↓ Lung inflammation
↓ Goblet cells mucus hyper-production
Improved lung morphology
↓ Eosinophils and allergo-inflammatory cytokines
↓ Asthma induced mitochondrial gene expression
↑ Mt function
Huang et al., 2021 [177]
Asthma mouse model MSCs preconditioned or not with serum of asthma patients ↓ Lung inflammation
↓ Lung fibrosis
↑ Lung tissue regeneration
↑ Expression of TGFβ, IDO-1, TSG-6 by hMSC-serum
↑ fission ↓ respiratory capacity of Mt
↑ MSC apoptosis and their phagocytosis by Mϕ
↑ M2 Mϕ polarization
Abreu at al., 2023 [178]
Co-culture of alveolar Mϕ and MSCs or MSC-EVs (in vitro)
Mouse severe emphysema model
MSCs or MSC-EVs from healthy (H) and emphysematous (E) donor mice Immunomodulatory effects
↑ IL-10
Improvement of cardiorespiratory dysfunction with MSC-EVs only from H donors
Abnormal Mt in E-MSCs and E-EVs—elongated, less functional and produced ↑ ROS vs. Mt from H-MSCs and H-EVs
H-EVs showed better efficacy in comparison with H-MSCs, since they could access smaller airways, unreachable for MSCs.
Antunes et al., 2021 [179]
ELBW infants with/without BPD
(n = 39)
UC-MSCs taken and studied in vitro
Endogenous MSCs isolated MSCs with:
Mt dysfuction
↓ ATP production and mytophagy
↓ Mt survival associated with BPD risk in ELBW infants.
Mt abnormalities may cause endogenous MSC pool depletion and disruptions in ELBW infant lungs. Hazra et al., 2022 [180]
IPF patients
IPF (bleomycin) mouse model
Endogenous BM-MSCs isolated from IPF patients and age-mathed controls BM-MSCs from IPF patients have signs of senescence with Mt dysfunction and DNA damage
IPF BM-MSCs secreated pro-fibrotic factors and increased illness severity and inflammation in mice
Mt fragmentation
↓ Mt oxygen consumption and bioenergy
↑ IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β
↑ Pro-fibrotic factors
Cardenes et al., 2018 [181]
Liver IRI in mice
Hepatocites in vitro
subjected to H/R injury
↓ Liver injury
Improved liver function
↓ Hepatocellular apoptosis
↓ ROS in tissue
↑ Parkin/PINK1 mitophagy
↑ ATP production by AMPKα activation
Zheng et al., 2020 [7]
IRI in rats
Hepatocyte cell culture
MSC-EVs ↑ Hepatic recovery
↓ Neutrophil infiltration and respiratory burst
↓ Oxidative stress
Mt transfer and Mt-located antioxidant enzyme (manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD)
↓ ROS—induced hepatocyte apoptosis and cell death in vitro
Yao et al., 2019 [184]
IRI in specimen of human liver grafts
Mouse IRI
MSC-EVs Liver graft morphology and function were better preserved
Improved liver IRI in mice
↓ Liver graft inflammation and NET formation
↓ NET formation
↓ Netosis
Mt transfer from EVs to intrahepatic neutrophils and their MQ control regulation
Lu et al., 2022 [185]
D-Galactose induced hepatic disorder in rats
Mt isolated from liver
UC-MSCs Improved liver morphology and function
Improved Mt respiration, ΔΨm and ATP production
↓ Histological lessions and liver enzymes
↑ Mt bioenergy and antioxidant capacity through Nrf2/HO-1 pathway
Yan et al., 2017 [186]
Rat BDL cirrhosis MSCs, naïve and tranducted with PRL-1 Liver regeneration
Improved liver function
Better efficacy of MSC-PRL-1 compared to naïve MSCs
↑ Metabolic state and Mt biogenesis of MSC-PRL-1
↑ Engraftment, Mt DNA, biogenesis and ATP production in hepatocytes
Kim et al., 2020 [187]
Rat BDL cirrhosis MSCs, naïve and tranducted with PRL-1 ↑ Oxidative capacity of MSC-PRL-1
MSC-PRL-1 vs. naïve MSCs improved further liver function and had greater antifibrotic effect
↑ Mt biogenesis and Mt lactate of MSC-PRL-1
MSC-PRL-1 have greater antioxidant effect vs. naïve MSCs
Kim et al., 2023 [188]
Mouse NAFLD and diabetes (induced by high fat diet and streptozotocin)
Hepatocytes treated with palmitic acid
(in vitro)
MSC-CM Improvement of insulin resistance and liver morphology
↓ Liver inflammation
↓ Cell apoptosis
↑ Liver antioxidant capacity
↑ Mt function in liver cells
Crucial role of Sirt1 in cell protection
Yang et al., 2021 [190]
Steatohepatitis in mice
Hepatocytes and MSC co-culture
BM-MSCs ↓ Hepatocyte lipid content of ~40%
↓ Mt and peroxisomal dysfunction
Donation of Mt to hepatocytes
Mt transfer from MSCs to hepatocytes by TNT formation
Hsu et al., 2020 [192]
Steatohepatitis in mice MSCs Switch from liver lipid storage to its utilization Donation of Mt to the hepatocytes
Restoration of hepatocyte metabolism and oxidative capacity
Nickel et al., 2022 [191]
Steatohepatitis in mice MSCs Improved liver morphology and metabolic function Improvement of impaired Mt morphology and function
↑ Liver metabolic capacity and host gene shifting
Newell et al., 2018 [193]
MSCs + fibroblasts (from Mt disease patients) −co-culture MSCs Improved Mt morphology and function Inverting abundance of Mt fission toward fussion Mt state Newell et al., 2018 [193]

Legend: ↑ increase; ↓ decrease.