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. 2023 Nov 5;15(21):4687. doi: 10.3390/nu15214687

Table 5.

Comparison of eating disorder domains across different demographics.

Indicator Composite Score Dieting Bulimia and Food Preoccupation Oral Control
n Mean Rank Test
p Value Mean Rank Test
p Value Mean Rank Test
p Value
Gender a Male = 157 181.60 14,193.00 0.304 175.16 15,097.00 0.955 162.97 13,183.50 0.035 *
Female = 193 170.54 175.78 185.69
Age in years b 14–17 = 137 162.60 4.36 0.112 172.45 0.50 0.784 168.21 1.46 0.485
18–21 = 130 179.22 174.52 183.10
22–25 = 83 190.96 182.07 175.63
BMI b Underweight = 100 159.32 7.06 0.113 174.82 1.17 0.918 202.28 14.642 0.004 **
Normal = 206 177.81 174.68 168.43
Overweight = 35 206.70 173.24 149.19
Obese = 8 193.06 208.94 121.00
Severely obese = 1 85.50 223.00 311.00
Marital status a Single = 333 172.73 1906.50 0.115 172.15 1715.00 0.038 * 172.79 1929.50 0.135
Married = 15 213.90 226.67 212.37
Socioeconomic status b Lower class = 8 200.25 2.69 0.260 213.50 5.21 0.074 125.63 5.83 0.054
Middle class = 314 172.50 171.39 173.49
High class = 28 202.02 210.68 212.30
Current institution b High school = 80 188.28 3.44 0.175 188.66 1.88 0.388 169.46 0.56 0.752
College = 92 160.30 169.41 173.62
University = 178 177.61 172.73 179.19
Living place b With family = 297 174.93 8.81 0.012 * 175.96 2.95 0.235 174.88 1.22 0.549
Separate place = 22 227.36 200.61 196.57
Student hostel= 31 144.13 153.31 166.45
Smoking a Yes = 22 231.64 2373.00 0.005 ** 220.23 2624.00 0.027 * 185.55 3387.00 0.631
No = 328 171.73 172.50 174.83
Family history of eating disorders b Yes = 22 209.64 2857.00 0.103 242.09 2143.00 0.001 *** 199.64 3077.00 0.253
No = 328 173.21 171.03 173.88

n = 350 participants. Mann–Whitney test a, Kruskal–Wallis test b. * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001.