15q11-13 evolutionary history. (a) Summary of all the 15q11-q13 haplotypes found in humans and NHPs. Each region is indicated using a different symbol (triangle, rhombus, square, star, and hexagon). Arrowheads indicate the orientation of the region found in this study with teal shades for the direct orientation and orange for the inverted. The human H2 haplotype data are from Porubsky and colleagues [25]. (b) Black arrows indicate when the rearrangement occurred during evolution. Teal symbols indicate the direct orientation, orange symbols indicate inversions and patterned symbols polymorphic inversions. Symbols are reported on the branch where the inversion occurred HSA = Homo sapiens; PTR = Pan troglodytes; GGO = Gorilla gorilla; PPY = Pongo pygmaeus; MMU = Macaca mulatta; CJA = Callithrix jacchus.