Table 1.
Assumptions for coverage forecasts and delivery components of measles vaccines
Delivery components and target population | Coverage projection of target population | Effect of MR-MAPs | |
Higher coverage | Lower coverage | ||
A: MCV1 for children aged 9 months old, RI B: MCV2 for children aged 16.5 months old, RI |
Annual growth depending on the overall coverage level:
Stagnant coverage estimates at the 2019 level | Replace a country-specific proportion of N&S doses:
C: SIA coverage for children aged 9–59 months old, campaign | Frequency depending on MCV2 coverage:
Fixed coverage: 95% |
Frequency is the same as under the ‘higher’ coverage projection assumptions. Fixed coverage of 85% |
D: MCV1 for children aged 1–2 years old with MOV or living in HTR areas, RI E: MCV2 for children aged 1–2 years old with MOV or living in HTR areas, RI |
Fixed coverage: 20% of children experiencing MOV or living in HTR areas | Reach additional populations that were assumed not being reached with N&S vaccines. | |
F: One-time catch-up SIA for population aged 2–15 years old with MOV or living in HTR areas, campaign | Fixed coverage: 10% of children experiencing MOV or living in HTR areas |
Measles vaccine delivery is modelled through six components (A–F) with different age and vaccination status of target populations, coverage projection assumptions, delivery approaches (RI or campaign) and dose presentations (N&S or MR-MAP). Details of the parameters and data sources used in shaping these assumptions are included in the demand forecast analysis by Ko et al.29 Introducing MR-MAPs was assumed to partially replace doses in the existing needle-based immunisation programmes with MR-MAPs (components A–C) and provide additional MR-MAP doses to children with MOV or living in HTR areas (components D–F). The level of replacement with MR-MAPs (market penetration) depends on the size of the different use cases for MR-MAPs and the characteristics of the measles and rubella programmes (inclusive of the use of MMR N&S vaccines) in each country.
HTR, hard-to-reach; MCV1, the first routine dose of measles-containing vaccine; MMR, measles-mumps-rubella; MOV, missed opportunities for vaccination; MR-MAP, measles-rubella microarray patch; N&S, needle and syringe; RI, routine immunisation; SIA, supplementary immunisation activity.