Table 4.
Monographs of silver preparations FP II.
Name According to the Monograph in FP II |
Polish Name | Synonyms FP II | Description (Original Wording) |
Form and Properties (Original Wording) |
Argentum colloidale | Srebro koloidalne |
Corgol, Collargol |
Argentum colloidale should contain not less than 70% Ag (atomic weight 107.9), the rest is: protein or gelatin and a small amount of silver chloride |
Dark gray flakes with a metallic sheen, odorless, with a faint metallic taste. Colloidal silver slowly dissolves in the water. Argentum colloidale solution in 50 parts of water is opaque, and in reflected light—cloudy; becomes transparent when diluted with plenty of water, in reflected light, however, it is still cloudy. |
Argentum gelatinosum | Żelatynian srebrowy |
Argentum gelatosatum, Gelargin, Albargin, Gelatynian srebrowy |
Argentum gelatinosum should contain no less than 14.6% and no more than 15% Ag (atomic weight 107.9) | Yellowish, fine, shimmering, odorless powder with a salty-insipid taste. Argentum gelatinosum is easily solublein water giving neutral or slightly acidic solutions. |
Argentum nitricum | Azotan srebrowy |
Argenti nitras, Argentum nitricum crystallisatum, Lapis infernalis, Lapis, Kamień piekielny |
The preparation should contain no less than 99.6% AgNO3 | Colourless, odourless, transparent belts of the rhombic system. Silver nitrate dissolves in 0.5 part of water, in 15 parts of alcohol; very sparingly soluble in ether and glycerol. M.p. around 208 °C. Silver nitrate at 208 °C has the form of a yellowish liquid, which after solidification forms a white, crystalline mass; heated at a temperature higher than 208 °C, it gradually decomposes, releasing brown fumes. |
Argentum nitricum cum
Kalio nitrico |
Azotan srebrowy z azotanem potasowym |
Argenti nitras et Kalii nitras, Argentum nitricum fusum mitigatum, Lapis infernalis mitigatus |
Silver nitrate with potassium nitrate should contain no less than 32.3% and no more than 33.5% AgNO3 (MW 169.9); the rest is potassium nitrate. |
White or greyish-white, odourless, hard sticks with a smooth fracture, very soluble in water. |
Argentum nitricum fusum | Topiony azotan srebrowy |
Argenti nitras fusus |
Fused silver nitrate should contain no less than 94.5% and no more than 95.5% AgNO3 (MW 169.9); the rest is potassium nitrate. |
White or greyish, odorless sticks with a crystalline break. Fused silver nitrate dissolves very easily in water. |
Argentum proteinicum | Proteinian srebrowy |
Argentum proteinatum, Prorgol, Protargol |
Silver proteinate should contain no less than 8% and no more than 8.4% Ag (atomic weight 107.91). | Yellow-brown, shiny flakes or yellow-brown, fine powder, almost odorless, with a first bland, then metallic taste. Silver proteinate is easily soluble in water, giving solutions of weakly alkaline reaction. |