Fig. 5. Lipid desaturation and the LOX pathway are involved in the in vivo induction of trained immunity.
a, b Heatmaps of the p values of the association between SNPs around FASD1, FADS2, SCD, LOX5, LOX12 and LOX15 genes (+/− 250 kb) and the fold change of the production of (a) TNFα and IL-6 after in vitro exposure to β-glucan or BCG and LPS restimulation, (n = 238 healthy volunteers for TNFα and n = 251 healthy volunteers for IL-6) and b TNFα, IL-6 and IL-1β upon BCG vaccination and S. aureus ex vivo restimulation (n = 278 healthy volunteers). Boxplots show selected SNPs with the lowest p-values stratified according to genotype, shown in the heatmap in blue. Boxplots show median, upper, and lower quartiles, and whiskers extend to the most extreme point less than 1.5 times the interquartile range from the box. c Fold change of intracellular monocyte levels of 12-LOX products of AA (12-HETE), EPA (12-HEPE), and DHA (14-HDHA) one month after BCG vaccination (visit 2) relative to levels prior to vaccination (visit 1) (n = 6 healthy volunteers per group, one outlier per group was removed (ROUT test (Q = 5%)), two-way ANOVA, Sidak’s multiple comparisons test. (Ctrl control, BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, LPS lipopolysaccharide, PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells, FC fold change, A adenine, T thymine, C cytosine, G guanine; V visit).