Transcript levels of endoglucanase genes celB, celG, and celD and the xylanase gene xynC. RPAs were performed with a relevant 32P-labeled antisense probe as described earlier (16), using RNAs from exponential (exp)- or stationary (stat)-phase cultures grown on either cellobiose or crystalline cellulose, as designated. The different amount (in micrograms) of RNA used to hybridize with the probe is indicated at the top of each lane. Autoradiographs of the respective RPA products were visualized with a phosphorimager system. Negative control lanes (NC) contained RNAs from yeast. Lanes M, size markers (in base pairs). The full-length probe is shown in lanes P. Values at the right indicate the size of the undigested full-length antisense probe and the estimated sizes of the protected products, in bases.