Fig. 1.
Depletion of cochlear CX3CR1 + cells by oral administration of CSFR1 inhibitor, PLX5622. A Study design for oral administration of CSFR1 inhibitor, PLX5622. Two groups of 10- to 12-week-old CX3CR1+/GFP Thy1+/YFP mice with C57BL/6J/B6 background were fed chow mixed with PLX5622 (PLX) or control chow (No PLX). On day 7, all mice were euthanized, and labeled with Hoechst 3342 for histopathologic examination and confocal imaging. Confocal microscopy images showing CX3CR1-positive cells in B No-PLX (n = 3) and C PLX (n = 3) groups. D Graphical representation of the effect of 7 days of PLX-5622 treatment on cochlear resident CX3CR1-positive cells. ST: scala tympani of the base of the cochlea, GB: spiral ganglion of the basal turn of the cochlea, LWB: lateral wall of basal turn of the cochlea, GM: spiral ganglion of middle turn of cochlea, LWM: lateral wall of middle turn of cochlea, GA: spiral ganglion of apical turn of cochlea, LWA: lateral wall of middle turn of cochlea