Fig. 7.
Quantification of spiral ganglion neuron density following cochlear implantation. 7-day feeding on chow with 1200 ppm of PLX-5622 (PLX) or control chow (No PLX) was followed by cochlear implantation in CX3CR1+/GFP Thy1+/YFP mice. After recovery from surgical anesthesia, respective diets were resumed. Electrical stimulation was done as described before. Cochlea harvested at desired endpoints (10, 28, or 56 days) were sectioned at 30 µm thickness. A–D Representative images from the base of the cochlea. Quantification is shown for E base, F middle, G apex, H overall. After measurement of spiral ganglia volume and quantification of spiral ganglion neurons, SGN density was calculated by dividing the SGN count by the volume and expressed as per 105 µm3. Density in 3 sections per animal was averaged. The number of the animals is considered the ‘n’ for this experiment. Number of cochlea used in this study are as follows: at day 10 post-CI, implanted ‘no PLX’ (n = 4), implanted PLX, (n = 3), contralateral ‘no PLX’ (n = 3), contralateral PLX(n = 5); at day 28 post-CI, implanted ‘no PLX’ (n = 6), implanted PLX, (n = 5), contralateral ‘no PLX’ (n = 3), contralateral PLX (n = 4); at day 56 post-CI, implanted ‘no PLX’ (n = 3), implanted PLX, (n = 6), contralateral ‘no PLX’ (n = 3), contralateral PLX(n = 4). Error bars indicate SEM. * indicates p < 0.05