Concentration vs discharge relationships for total Se
(a) and NO3– (b) in the Elk River at
Highway 93.22,65 Colored lines (a,b) show modeled
C–Q relationships for three
different dates, illustrating changes in the solute behavior over
time. Shading (a, b) shows the 90% prediction interval for each date.
(c,d) illustrates changes in concentration over time at two different
discharges and two times of the year. (c) illustrates patterns at
the high discharge time of year (June 13) and (d) shows a low discharge
time of year (Jan 1). Lines (c, d) represent the 5th (black) and 95th
(red) percentiles for flow duration curves for 60 days around each
date (30 days before and after). Shading (c, d) shows the 90% prediction
interval for each flow. Additional solutes and Kootenay River data
are shown in SI Figures 11 and 12.