Kaplan-Meier estimates of 6-year EFS in children with Alagille syndrome treated with maralixibat for each predictive variable. (A) Change in pruritus (as measured by ItchRO[Obs]) from baseline to week 48 (>1 point reduction vs. ≤1 point reduction). (B) Total bilirubin levels at week 48 (<6.5 mg/dL vs. ≥6.5 mg/dL). (C) sBA levels at week 48 (<200 µmol/L vs. ≥200 µmol/L). The shaded area indicates 95% confidence limits. Abbreviations: EFS, event-free survival; ItchRO(Obs), Itch-Reported Outcome (Observer); sBA, serum bile acids.