(A-D’) Downregulation of hairy-related 6 (her6) by morpholino (MO) in adult retina resulted in a significant increase of Prospero homeobox 1a (Prox1a) in the ONL during early phases of regeneration at 48hpa (SC n = 15, 5.294 ±0.3032, her6 MO n = 12, 9.507±1.339), but not at 72hpa (SC n = 9, 16.97 ±3.096, her6 MO n = 9, 11.34 ±2.625), quantified in E. (F-I’) Knockdown of Prox1a using MO led to a significant downregulation of Hes1/Her6 expression at 120 hpa (SC n = 11, 9.355 ±1.792, prox1a MO n = 6, 3.255 ±0.4484), but not at 72 hpa (SC n = 13, 9.958 ±0.9212, prox1a MO n = 14, 6.929±1.044), quantified in J. (K) Summary of expression and cross-regulation between Her6 and Prox1a expression during regeneration. Her6 is expressed during progenitor formation while Prox1a is present in differentiating PRs. Her6 is a negative regulator of Prox1a and Prox1a is a positive regulator of Her6. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05. Scale bars: 50 μm.