Figure 2.
CAM induction mediates alterations in the diurnal and circadian control of McPPCK and McCAB2. C3- and CAM-induced M. crystallinum were entrained in LD (12/12) for 29 d (C3) or 65 d (CAM). CAM-induced plants had been salt stressed for 19 d to ensure complete induction of CAM. At the start of the experiment, one-half of the plants were maintained in LD while one-half were transferred to LL. Leaf samples were collected in duplicate at the indicated time points and RNA was isolated. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was performed on the RNA and the resulting band intensities were normalized to the McUBQ10 loading control. Diamonds, C3 in LD; squares, C3 in LL; triangles, CAM in LD; and circles, CAM in LL. A, Gel images for McPPCK, McCCR1/2, McCAB2, and McUBQ10. B, Normalized data for McPPCK transcript abundance. C, Normalized data for McCCR1/2 transcript abundance. D, Normalized data for McCAB2 transcript abundance.