Fig. 5. Genome-wide sharing of signals between the cranial vault, brain, and face.
a Genetic Spearman correlations with individual level-3 cranial vault segments (cyan) across level-4 brain and facial segments. Significance of Spearman correlations was determined based on standard errors obtained through bootstrapping. Empirical P-values (one-tailed) were adjusted for 5% FDR. Insignificant segments are indicated in grey. b Chord diagram of loci shared (r2 > 0.2) between the cranial vault and the brain/face. Line thickness is proportionate to the sum of -log10(P-values) (CCA, upper tail chi squared) between both shapes after normalizing the -log10(P-values) per shape so that the maximum value was equal to 1. Loci are grouped by their most significantly associated shape module as indicated by the colors of corresponding circle segments and shape modules. c Mutual highest normalized correlations between brain and cranial vault segments indicated by black lines. Segment-wise vault-brain correlations were normalized by the maximum value across the brain and vault respectively. Colors indicate the strength of the unnormalized pair-wise correlations using the same color scale as a.