Total |
100.0 |
16,988 |
Socio-demographic |
Gender |
Female |
52.0 |
[50.7–53.4] |
9,544 |
Male |
48.0 |
[46.6–49.3] |
7,119 |
Other |
0.0 |
[0.0–0.0] |
319 |
Age group (years) |
18–29 |
28.4 |
[27.6–29.3] |
8,242 |
30–39 |
26.5 |
[25.6–27.4] |
4,866 |
40–49 |
18.6 |
[17.7–19.5] |
1,848 |
50–59 |
12.7 |
[11.8–13.8] |
658 |
60–69 |
9.1 |
[7.9–10.3] |
220 |
70+ |
4.7 |
[3.4–6.3] |
42 |
Population group |
Black African |
77.2 |
[75.9–78.6] |
13,274 |
White |
10.2 |
[9.0–11.6] |
500 |
Colored |
9.4 |
[8.9–9.9] |
2,238 |
Indian/Asian |
3.1 |
[2.6–3.6] |
327 |
Prefer not to answer |
0.1 |
[0.1–0.2] |
648 |
Province |
Western Cape |
12.7 |
[12.0–13.4] |
2,277 |
Eastern Cape |
10.2 |
[9.5–11.0] |
1,437 |
Northern Cape |
2.1 |
[1.8–2.5] |
437 |
Free State |
4.9 |
[4.5–5.3] |
1,242 |
KwaZulu-Natal |
17.2 |
[16.1–18.2] |
2,544 |
North-West |
7.0 |
[6.5–7.6] |
1,049 |
Gauteng |
30.0 |
[29.0–31.0] |
5,334 |
Mpumalanga |
7.5 |
[7.0–8.1] |
1,025 |
Limpopo |
8.4 |
[7.7–9.2] |
1,643 |
Community type |
City |
11.0 |
[10.1–11.8] |
1,925 |
Suburb |
17.1 |
[15.9–18.4] |
2,316 |
Township |
44.0 |
[42.7–45.3] |
7,629 |
Informal settlement |
7.3 |
[6.7–7.9] |
1,374 |
Rural (traditional tribal area) |
18.3 |
[17.3–19.3] |
3,185 |
Farm |
2.4 |
[2.0–2.9] |
418 |
Highest educational attainment |
Less than secondary school |
9.3 |
[8.2–10.4] |
1,023 |
Secondary school |
26.4 |
[25.3–27.6] |
4,437 |
Matric (grade 12 school level) |
40.6 |
[39.3–41.9] |
7,360 |
Tertiary |
23.7 |
[22.6–24.9] |
3,753 |
Employment status |
Employed |
32.1 |
[30.9–33.3] |
4,677 |
Unemployed |
56.8 |
[55.4–58.2] |
10,584 |
Not in labor force |
11.1 |
[9.8–12.5] |
1,316 |
Experiences and perceptions related to other vaccines or vaccines in general |
Ever taken the FLU vaccine |
Yes |
31.8 |
[30.5–33.2] |
4,801 |
No |
68.2 |
[66.8–69.5] |
12,041 |
Ever personally refused to take any vaccine |
Yes |
13.0 |
[12.2–13.9] |
2,320 |
No |
87.0 |
[86.1–87.8] |
14,550 |
Ever objected to allow someone else to take a vaccine |
Yes |
22.1 |
[21.1–23.1] |
4,408 |
No |
77.9 |
[76.9–78.9] |
12,443 |
Know anyone who has personally experienced a serious side-effect to any vaccine |
Yes |
27.7 |
[26.6–28.9] |
5,159 |
No |
72.3 |
[71.1–73.4] |
11,706 |
Perceive vaccines as a good way to protect communities from disease |
Yes |
64.4 |
[63.2–65.6] |
9,988 |
No |
5.3 |
[4.8–5.9] |
990 |
Not sure |
30.2 |
[29.1–31.4] |
5,895 |
Information on the COVID-19 vaccinations |
Main source of information on the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccinations |
Television |
46.6 |
[45.2–48.0] |
7,067 |
Radio |
17.2 |
[16.1–18.4] |
2,335 |
News sources (print or online) |
8.2 |
[7.5–8.9] |
1,247 |
Government sources |
7.6 |
[6.9–8.4] |
1,142 |
Medical sources |
5.0 |
[4.2–6.0] |
550 |
Social media |
11.0 |
[10.2–11.7] |
2,008 |
Other |
4.4 |
[3.9–4.9] |
685 |
Heard conflicting/confusing information related to the COVID19 vaccine and vaccinations |
Yes |
72.4 |
[71.1–73.6] |
10,857 |
No |
27.6 |
[26.4–28.9] |
4,062 |
Religious/cultural influence |
Feel that your religion or culture would discourage you from getting a COVID-19 vaccine |
Yes |
16.7 |
[15.7–17.7] |
2,580 |
No |
83.3 |
[82.3–84.3] |
10,436 |
Trust/confidence in governments and health and scientific institutions |
Confidence in how the national government is handling the pandemic |
Very confident |
42.3 |
[40.7–43.8] |
4,940 |
Moderately confident |
25.8 |
[24.5–27.1] |
3,341 |
Not confident |
17.6 |
[16.5–18.8] |
2,352 |
I have no opinion |
14.3 |
[13.4–15.3] |
2,119 |
Trust in the information from your health care provider about the COVID-19 vaccinations |
Yes |
69.9 |
[68.5–71.2] |
8,755 |
No |
8.8 |
[8.0–9.6] |
1,206 |
Not sure |
21.4 |
[20.2–22.6] |
2,943 |
Trust in the pharmaceutical industry with developing the COVID-19 vaccine |
Yes |
53.2 |
[51.7–54.7] |
6,385 |
No |
12.8 |
[11.9–13.8] |
1,807 |
Not sure |
34.0 |
[32.6–35.4] |
4,731 |
Perceptions of risk, safety and efficacy |
Concerned about any side-effects related to the COVID-19 vaccines |
Yes |
61.2 |
[59.8–62.6] |
11,120 |
No |
23.8 |
[22.5–25.1] |
3,203 |
Not sure |
15.0 |
[14.1–15.9] |
2,610 |
Think there is adequate safety information related to the COVID-19 vaccination program |
Yes |
48.0 |
[46.3–49.7] |
5,050 |
No |
22.2 |
[20.7–23.8] |
2,379 |
Not sure |
29.8 |
[28.3–31.3] |
3,524 |
Believe the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine will be in question due to its fast development |
Yes |
49.8 |
[48.1–51.5] |
5,966 |
No |
20.9 |
[19.4–22.6] |
1,786 |
Not sure |
29.3 |
[27.8–30.8] |
3,185 |
Lost anyone close to you during the lockdown period |
Yes |
55.1 |
[53.4–56.8] |
5,901 |
No |
44.9 |
[43.2–46.6] |
4,772 |