Distribution pattern
of GSH and iron level of hippocampus and blood
(plasma/serum) in healthy subjects and patients. Part A refers to
left hippocampal GSH levels from four age groups of HC subjects, and
part B refers to plasma GSH levels in the same study groups.6 Parts C and D refer to left hippocampal susceptibility
and blood (serum) iron levels from the same study groups of healthy
subjects (Gr(1), 20–30Y; Gr(2), 31–40Y; Gr(3), 41–50Y;
Gr(4), 51–73Y). Parts E and F refer to GSH levels and iron
levels in the hippocampus regions for the same study participants
who were assessed, where again moving across HC to MCI to AD, a significant
decrease in the GSH level and a significant increase in the iron level
was observed.7 Parts G and H refer to modulation
of plasma GSH and serum iron levels from study participants. Part
I refer to longitudinal variations of GSH level in blood (plasma)
of MCI patient within two years’ time frame.8 Part J refers to depletion of iron level in the blood (serum)
of AD patients with severity (mild/moderate/severe). To date, there
is no report where GSH (plasma) and iron (serum) levels are measured
for the same clinical population.