of logic-gated and tunable degradation systems by
integrating CIPs with ATNC: (A) Schematic representation of the ABA-based
CIP system and the chemical structure of the CIP inducer (+)-ABA.
(B, C) Schematic representation of CIP-integrated ANTC that enables
buffer (BUF) gated degradation solely depending on the input of ABA.
(D) Live HeLa cells coexpressing EGFP, GBP-mCherry-ABIcs, and PYLcs-TBFP-LC3B (TBFP: mTagBFP2) with or without adding ABA (20 μM,
1.5 h, then wash) were imaged 22.5 h after ABA addition. (E) PCC colocalization
analysis between EGFP and PYLcs-TBFP-LC3B with (n = 8 cells) or without (n = 5 cells) adding
ABA. (F) WB analysis (48 h) of the control (EGFP only) sample and
other cell lysate samples with or without adding ABA (20 μM,
1.5 h, then wash). (G) Statistical quantification of WB results (n = 3 experiments). (H) Live HeLa cells coexpressing EGFP,
GBP-mCherry-ABIcs, and PYLcs-TBFP-LC3B were
added with gradient concentrations of ABA for 48 h, and the cell lysate
was subjected to WB analysis. (I) Statistical quantification of WB
results (n = 3 experiments). (J, K) The design of
an OR gated degradation system using the mutually orthogonal ABA (ABIcs/PYLcs) and Rap (FKBP/FRB)-based CIPs, which enables
OR degradation in the presence of ABA (20 μM), Rap (10 nM),
or both. (L) Representative confocal micrographs (24 h) of OR gated
degradation. (M) PCC colocalization analysis (n =
7 cells). (N) Representative WB results (48 h). One-sided Student’s t-test was used; n.s.: nonsignificant; see Methods section for description of box plots; bar graphs:
mean ± SD; mChe: mCherry.