14C-acetate supplied (μg of C/ml) | Bacterial carbon produced (μg of C/ml)a | Population (106 cells/ml) | Carbon content (fg/cell) | Dry wt (fg/cell)b | Forward light scatter intensityc |
3.4 | 0.74 | 56.6 | 13.1 | 28.0 | 61.5 |
10.5 | 2.28 | 244 | 9.33 | 19.9 | 62.6 |
31.4 | 7.93 | 841 | 9.43 | 20.1 | 55.5 |
56.6 | 15.81 | 1,671 | 9.46 | 20.1 | 55.3 |
In the final sample for dry weight determination 185 h after inoculation.
Carbon content divided by 0.47; mean, 22 ± 4.
The channel number was normalized to the signal for 0.6-μm internal standard spheres; mean, 58.7 ± 3.9.