Fig. 2.
Pragmatism of the CISTO Study based on PRECIS-2 criteria. The level of pragmatism for each criteria was assessed as follows: Eligibility: similarity of patients to usual care; Recruitment: via usual care; Setting: 36 clinical sites, including a mixture of community and academic hospitals, which mimics where results will be applied; Organization: no clinician training required, minimal research staff training; Flexibility of delivery: mimics usual practice; Flexibility of adherence: Enforcement of compliance; Follow-up: clinical outcomes data collected using a web-based research portal, including uploading of clinical notes and other documents from the electronic health record (EHR), also multi-modal survey options; Primary outcome: patient-centered, not disease-centered, and important to all stakeholders; and Primary analysis: data included for all participants utilizing an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis. PRECIS-2 PRagmatic-Explanatory Continuum Indicatory Summary 2