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[Preprint]. 2023 Nov 9:2023.11.07.565947. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.11.07.565947

Table 1.

Model parameters and their descriptions

parameter corresponding event description
K1 1,2 rates of HOPS recruitment and turnover
K3 3 chaperoning rate
K4 4 rate of HOPS:trans-SNARE super-complex dissociation
α=K5/K4 5 HOPS & trans-SNARE reassociation rate expressed relative to HOPS:trans-SNARE dissociation rate
K6 6 rate of Sec17 recruitment
K7 7 rate of Sec17 turnover
β=K8/K9 8 rate for Sec17 displacement of HOPS expressed relative to rate for Sec17 association with trans-SNARE complexes
K9 9 rate of Sec17 association with trans-SNARE complexes