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[Preprint]. 2023 Nov 9:2023.11.07.565947. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.11.07.565947

Table 2.

Translating qualitative phenotype observations into quantitative constraints

phenotypic constraint (CRi) mathematical interpretation percent of sampled parameter sets that satisfice criterion
CR 1 Prior to signal perturbation, the system should exhibit a stable steady state. d/dtall species108 56.4%
CR 2 PI3P depletion induces fusion. Sec17:SNAREPI3PdepletiondtSec17:SNAREnoperturbationdt0.1 9.7%
CR 3 Trigger activation induces fusion. Sec17:SNAREtriggeractivationdtSec17:SNAREnoperturbationdt0.1 24.0%
CR 4 Fusion due to PI3P depletion should be faster than that due to trigger activation. Sec17:SNAREtriggeractivationdtSec17:SNAREPI3Pdepletiondt0.1 20.2%
CR 5 In the absence of an external signal, spontaneous fusion events should be rare. [Sec17:SNARE]no perturbation106 6.9%
all criteria satisficed concurrently 0.1%