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. 2023 Nov 20;81(1):19–29. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.4315

Table 3. Full Model Summaries for ABAS-3 GAC Score at 4.5 Years of Age for Children of Women With Epilepsy vs Women Without Epilepsy and for Children of Women With Epilepsy as a Function of Third-Trimester ASM Blood Concentrationsa.

Model parameter Parameter estimate (95% CI) P value
Children of women with epilepsy and women without epilepsy, imputation analysis (n = 386)
Mother’s study group: women with epilepsy vs women without epilepsy 0.4 (−2.5 to 3.4) .77
Mother’s IQ 0.0 (−0.1 to 0.1) .92
Mother’s educational level <.001
College degree (advanced) Reference NA
No college degree −7.1 (−11.1 to −3.1) <.001
College degree (not advanced) −1.5 (−4.5 to 1.5) .32
Mother’s postbirth mean PSS score (through child’s 2-y visit) −0.4 (−0.6 to −0.2) <.001
Mother’s major depressive episode during pregnancy 8.1 (0.9 to 15.3) .03
Mother’s age at enrollment −0.3 (−0.5 to 0.0) .047
Child’s sex: male vs female −4.1 (−6.4 to −1.7) <.001
Mother’s illicit substance use during pregnancy −6.8 (−13.7 to 0.0) .05
Child’s birth weight, kg 2.1 (−0.1 to 4.3) .06
Child small for gestational age −4.7 (−9.8 to 0.4) .07
Children of women with epilepsy with third-trimester blood concentrations, imputation analysis (n = 271)
Mother’s third-trimester maximum observed ratio of ASM concentrationb −7.8 (−12.6 to −3.1) .001
Mother’s ASM group: monotherapy vs polytherapyc −4.9 (−9.3 to −0.5) .03
Mother’s IQ 0.0 (−0.1 to 0.2) .51
Mother’s educational level .01
College degree (advanced) Reference NA
No college degree −6.2 (−11.0 to −1.5) .01
College degree (not advanced) −0.8 (−4.3 to 2.6) .64
Mother’s postbirth mean BAI score (through child’s 2-y visit) −0.4 (−0.7 to −0.1) .006
Mother’s age at enrollment −0.3 (−0.6 to 0.0) .03
McMaster FAD problematic family functioning at child’s 2-y visit −5.4 (−9.1 to −1.7) .004
Child small for gestational age −5.9 (−11.8 to 0.0) .049
Child’s sex: male vs female −2.8 (−5.7 to 0.1) .05
Mother’s smoking during pregnancy −6.4 (−13.2 to 0.3) .06

Abbreviations: ABAS-3, Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition; ASM, antiseizure medication; BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; FAD, Family Assessment Device; GAC, General Adaptive Composite; NA, not applicable; PSS, Perceived Stress Scale–14.


Variables selected into model using a stepwise selection algorithm with the completers population. IQ and mother’s study group or mother’s third-trimester ratio of ASM concentration were included in the model a priori. The Akaike information criterion was used to compare models. The significance level for covariate entry was set to P = .10, and the significance level to remain in the model was set to P = .15.


Ratio of ASM concentration calculated as the ratio of the upper limit for therapeutic range. For mothers receiving polytherapy, the ratio of ASM concentration was calculated by summing the ratio of ASM concentration for each ASM. The maximum observed value was recorded during the third trimester, including the day of delivery.


Mother’s ASM group at time of third-trimester maximum ratio of ASM concentration.