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. 2023 Nov 17;8(4):160. doi: 10.3390/jfmk8040160

Table 2.

Inter-correlation matrix between MO, FVP variables and anthropometric variables in the U-14 category.

Fvimb MO Height Body Mass %fat Mm Bm BMI Mm_r Mm_l %fat_r %fat_l FVP_Def F0 V0 Pmax
Fv_imb 1
MO −0.458 * 1
Height −0.370 * 0.810 ** 1
Weight −0.295 0.548 ** 0.766 ** 1
%fat −0.070 −0.308 −0.190 0.295 1
Mm −0.288 0.691 ** 0.870 ** 0.938 ** −0.048 1
Bm −0.278 0.678 ** 0.867 ** 0.930 ** −0.063 0.997 ** 1
BMI −0.150 0.097 0.255 0.799 ** 0.692 ** 0.587 ** 0.576 ** 1
Mm_r −0.341 0.711 ** 0.731 ** 0.474 ** −0.362 * 0.617 ** 0.615 ** 0.067 1
Mm_l −0.341 0.694 ** 0.722 ** 0.486 ** −0.332 0.617 ** 0.613 ** 0.094 0.996 ** 1
%fat_r −0.133 −0.311 −0.295 0.185 0.870 ** −0.123 −0.141 0.609 ** −0.489 ** −0.439 * 1
%fat_l −0.154 −0.273 −0.264 0.226 0.898 ** −0.089 −0.107 0.645 ** −0.470 ** −0.436 * 0.975 ** 1
FVP_Def −0.367 * 0.471 ** 0.350 0.284 −0.018 0.290 0.269 0.121 0.433 * 0.433 * −0.056 −0.014 1
F0 −0.383 * 0.619 ** 0.476 ** 0.400 * −0.188 0.490 ** 0.478 ** 0.170 0.421 * 0.405 * −0.118 −0.096 0.633 ** 1
V0 0.799 ** −0.426 * −0.283 −0.302 −0.169 −0.247 −0.238 −0.255 −0.261 −0.260 −0.266 −0.286 −0.467 ** −0.659 ** 1
Pmax 0.776 ** −0.156 −0.012 −0.017 −0.242 0.072 0.073 −0.090 −0.057 −0.057 −0.333 −0.350 −0.233 −0.283 0.876 ** 1

Fv_imb: FVP Imbalance; MO: Maturity Offset; %fat: Fat Index; Mm: Muscle Mass; Bm: Bone Mass; BMI: Body Mass Index; Mm_r: Right leg muscle mass; Mm_l: Left leg muscle mass; %fat_r: Right leg fat index; %fat_l: Left leg fat index; PFV_Def: Type of deficit of FVP; F0: Theoretical Maximum Force; V0: Theoretical Maximum Velocity; Pmax: Theoretical Maximum Power. **. 0.01 significant correlation (bilateral). *. 0.05 significant correlation (bilateral). Category = U-14.