Fig. 8. HMbmice have reduced cervical and uterine tissue burdens of P. bivia but lack protection against colonization or ascension of UPEC.
HMbmice (HMb) and conventional (Conv) mice were inoculated with 106 CFU of P. bivia (n = 9−16) or 107 CFU of UPEC (n = 8−16). Recovered P. bivia CFU from (a) vaginal swabs collected on days 1, 2, 3, and 7 post-inoculation and (b) reproductive tract tissues harvested on day 7 (n = 5−12). MIP-2 quantified in (c) day 2 vaginal swabs and (d) day 7 uterine homogenates along with (e) IL-17 in day 7 uterine homogenates of P. bivia-inoculated mice. Recovered UPEC CFU from (f) vaginal swabs collected on days 1, 3, and 7 post-inoculation and (g) reproductive tract tissues harvested on day 7. MIP-2 quantified in (h) day 2 vaginal swabs and (i) day 7 uterine homogenates along with (j) IL-17 in day 7 uterine homogenates of UPEC-inoculated mice. Symbols represent individual mice with median and interquartile ranges. Data were statistically analyzed by Mann−Whitney test (c−e, h−j) with corrections for multiple comparisons using the two-stage linear step-up procedure of Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli and a false discovery rate (<0.05)(a−b, f−g). Statistically significant P values are reported. Adjusted P values < 0.1 are reported for (a−b), (f−g). P < 0.1 is shown (d) to be transparent of lack of significance.