Motivational interviewing is a collaborative, patient-centered goal-directed counseling approach intended to guide people toward positive behavior change. Within the context of obesity medicine, motivational interviewing is intended to promote a healthier body weight and a healthier body composition among patients with pre-obesity/obesity.
Stages of change that may help select appropriate motivational interviewing strategies include pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse.
General motivational interviewing principles include empathy, avoiding arguments, developing discrepancy, resolving ambivalence, and supporting self-efficacy.
Empathy involves communication, understanding, collaboration, support, encouragement and listening.
Avoiding arguments involves recognizing types of resistance (arguing, denying, ignoring, interrupting) and then “rolling with resistance” through reflection, shifting focus, reframing, and/or siding with the negative.
The 5 “A”s of obesity management include Ask, Assess, Advise, Agree, and Arrange or Assist.
FRAMES is a common motivational interviewing acronym that stands for Feedback, Responsibility of the patient, Advice to change, Menu of strategies, Empathy, and Self-Efficacy; OARS is a common motivational interviewing acronym that stands for Open-ended questions, Affirmation, Reflections, and Summaries.