https://www.abom.org/ |
https://www.abom.org/stats-data-2/ |
https://www.abom.org/ |
https://omfellowship.org/directory-of-programs/ |
https://www.abms.org/) |
As with other specialties, certification in obesity medicine (i.e., either the current ABOM Diplomate or potential future ABMS recognition as a subspecialty) has the potential to enhance physician professional development and improve patient care
[[3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]] |
[11] |
If Obesity Medicine were to become a recognized subspecialty by an ABMS Member, then ABOM Diplomates would need to meet ABMS Member eligibility requirements, may need to complete an ABMS Member approved Fellowship, and take an ABMS Member exam, which may affect the types of physicians who would qualify, and potentially (at least transiently) affect the number of physicians having some designation that reflects expertise in obesity medicine.
https://www.abms.org/ |
If a single ABMS Board Member was designated to certify Obesity Medicine as a subspecialty, then potentially, only physicians Board-Certified in the specialty of that single Board would qualify to undergo an Obesity Medicine Fellowship and subsequent testing to become an ABMS recognized Obesity Medicine subspecialist. However, Obesity Medicine as a subspecialty could be co-sponsored by more than one ABMS Boards, such as the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), and/or American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG), thus increasing the diversity and number of physicians eligible to become Obesity Medicine subspecialists.
https://www.abms.org/ |
Regarding the need for a Fellowship, some precedence exists where current ABOM certified Obesity Medicine Diplomates may have an option to transition to an ABMS-recognized Obesity Medicine subspecialists via taking an ABMS Member Board exam, but may not be required to complete an ABMS Member approved Obesity Medicine Fellowship (i.e., establishment of “grandfathering criteria”). However, the ABMS and/or its Member Board/s have not approved such an option.
https://www.abms.org/ |
https://www.aaem.org/UserFiles/file/president_0508.pdf#:∼:text=Similar%20to%20other%20medical%20specialties%20in%20their%20early,by%20residency%20training%20or%20the%20initial%20practice%20track |
https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1164/rccm.2509005#:∼:text=This%20clinical%20practice%20experience%20pathway%20consists%20of%20a,in%20sleep%20medicine%20during%20the%20prior%205%20years. |