Blount's Disease [[93], [94], [95]] |
Early walking (before the age of 12 months) in a child with severe obesity
Dome-shaped metaphysis, open growth plate and disruption of the continuity between the lateral borders of epiphysis and metaphysis, with inferomedial translation of the proximal tibial epiphysis
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) [[96], [97], [98]] |
Hip pain or limp: consider referred pain to groin, knee, limb
Male:Female ratio = 1.5:1
Age of onset Males = 12.7–13.5 years
Age of onset Females = 11.2–12 years
Severe obesity at 5–6 years old: 5.9 times greater risk of SCFE compared with those with a normal BMI
Severe obesity at 11–12 years had 17.0 times the risk of SCFE
Scoliosis [99] |
Pes Planus [100,101] |
Should be evaluated with the patient standing/weight-bearing
Evaluate for presence of symptoms (i.e., pain, decreased endurance)