Figure 5.
The general metabolic pathway for the synthesis of omega-3 fatty acids. After the saturated fatty acid is generated in the FAS pathway, it is further desaturated by the unsaturated fatty acid synthesis pathway by several different desaturases and elongases. PA, Palmitic acids; SA, Stearic acid; OA, Oleic acid; LA, Linoleic acid; ALA, Alpha-Linolenic acid; GLA, Gamma-Linolenic acid; SDA, Stearidonic acid; DGLA, Dihomo-Gamma-Linolenic acid; ETA, Eicosatetraenoic acid; EDA, Eicosadienoic acid; ERA, Eicosatrienoic acid; ARA, Arachidonic acid; EPA, Eicosapentaenoic acid; DTA, Docosatetraenoic acid; DPA, Docosapentaenoic acid; DHA, Docosahexaenoic acid; Δ9D, Δ9 desaturase; Δ12D, Δ12 desaturase; Δ15D, Δ15 desaturase; Δ6D, Δ6 desaturase; Δ5E, Δ5 elongase; Δ17D, Δ17 desaturase; Δ9E, Δ9 elongase; Δ19D, Δ19 desaturase; Δ4D, Δ4 desaturase.